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Wednesday, December 28, 2011


One of my Facebook friends posted the following quote on her page this morning:

"Not often, but every once in a while, God brings us to a major turning point--a great crossroads in our life. From that point on we either go toward a more slow, lazy, and useless Christian life, or we become more and more on fire, giving our utmost for His highest--our best for His glory!" Oswald Chambers

2011 was a crossroads year in my life. A major turning point. When 2011 began I had no idea I would be retired by the end of the year, or my book would be published. The first crossroad was to happen in 2014, and the second crossroad had been a forgotten dream that wouldn't take place.

I know these two crossroads came from God because my heart was calm and at rest as they unfolded. Astonishing, but believable.

Now, where will these two crossroads take me. It's kind of scary. Will I have to take a part-time job to make ends meet? Will our plans for an enjoyable retirement be changed? Do I have the courage to self promote my book? Will I survive book signings and events?

Will I become slow, lazy and useless for Christ? Or will I burn brightly for His glory? The passion God gave me for note writing is still strong. Just this morning I penned a note, and after writing it I asked God: "Where did those words come from?" "How do you do that God?"

I believe so strongly in this gift God has given me. How I long to awaken other's to this incredible ministry of encouraging through note writing . . . or encouraging through any avenue God gives you.

Yes, along the path there are crossroads. You've probably had a few already. Let it light your fire to whatever God has given you to do. Do it with all your might. Do it with a humble heart. Do it because you love Christ.

Crossroads. The dictionary put it this way: "a crucial point." Dare to take the high road. The only road. Christ's road.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Another Anniversary

Jerry and I were in the Christmas spirit as we celebrated our 26th anniversary at the Country Cupboard in Lewisburg, PA on the 14th. Good food, good shopping and good scenery! Good marriage too!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

NOTEworthy Card Creations

Snaps from the notewriter are now for sale! As I continue to enhance my blog to coincide with the publishing of my book, I have created a new page for note cards. You won't find it professional in design, but you will find sincere effort to create something of value.

As I make my way through the ocean of "blogging," I know it will take awhile for me to learn all there is to know. My first steps are baby sets. As time passes I hope to improve the pages.

Creating note cards is just as important to me as writing encouraging notes. I get to share God's creation from my serendipity moments of picture taking for others to enjoy.

Take a moment to click on "NOTEworthy Card Creations" and enjoy your visit!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Biblical Alphabet

A friend sent the following in her Christmas card. I had not seen this before.

Biblical Alphabet

Although things are not perfect
B ecause of trial or pain
Continue in thanksgiving
Do not begin to blame
Even when the times are hard
Fierce winds are bound to blow
God is forever able
Hold on to what you know
Imagine life with His love
Joy would cease to be
Keep thanking Him for all the things
Love imparts ot thee
Move out of Camp Complaining'
No weapon that is known
On earth can yield the power
Praise can do alone
Quit looking at the future
Redeem the time at hand
Start every day with worship
To 'thank' is a command
Until we see Him coming
Victorious in the sky
We'll run the race with gratitude
Xaulting God most high
Yes, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad, but ...
Zion waits in glory ... where none are ever sad! Unknown

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I'd been working on my blog all afternoon to enhance it for the publishing of my book. I made some changes in design, but haven't tweaked it quite right yet. I took a breather and thought I'd check around some just to see if my book had been released anywhere yet. I was pleasantly surprised to find it on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, as well as the Inspiring Voices website!

I'm still waiting for my first copy to arrive. But you can order it now! What a dream come true!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Old Hymnal

In my church on Sunday mornings there is an old friend that now sits undisturbed, unused. The hymnal seems to have been passed over for a new age and new ideas.

Eyes now look at a screen up front where words are displayed, four lines at a time. To me, it's so bare. Once the words are sung, they disappear for another four lines of words, and so on through the song. You don't get to see an entire verse in its whole, or dwell on the words because they are soon forgotten.

There is one who still holds the hymnal in her hands and delights in singing by looking at the words and music. Me. So many hymns build the gospel story as they go through the verses. I get much satisfaction being able to see the entire hymn in front of me so that I can dwell on the words as I sing.

The words don't disappear in a blink of the eye. The story unfolds before me and the meaning understood. Seeing the musical notes with the words adds to my enjoyment of the entire hymn. I cherish the book that speaks of Jesus and tells His story for all to know.

I was given a very special hymnal during my career with the Baptist Convention. I was honored to work with a man of music, a master of song and story. Dee Solomon was a perfect example of a man filled with God's word and gifted with His music, and Dee did what he could so others may know the love of Christ.

Dee's hand was in the creation of "The Baptist Hymnal for Home & Family." When I learned of this I told him I was going to purchase a copy for a special remembrance of his work. To my surprise and delight, Dee presented me with a copy and wrote the following lovely words on the front page. Below is his note, followed with the words typed.

"In deep appreciation for your friendship and whose life is truly symphonic, influencing all with its soft moments, many themes that develops into beautiful melodies, varied rhythms to meet the demand of the day. Thank you for your encouragement and constant caring. May the words and music of this hymnal be the source of inspiration for life's journey."

He truly encouraged the encourager.

In the book "Amazing Grace ... Inspiring Hymn Stories" Kenneth W. Osbeck shares this thought about the hymnal: "The church hymnal, a most important heritage of the Christian church, is one of the finest collections of man's thoughts and feelings about God."

I also like these words from an unknown author: "Hymns breathe the praise of saints, The vision of the prophets, The prayers of the penitent and the spirit of the martyrs. They bring solace to the sad, Assurance to the perplexed, Faith to the doubter and comfort to the oppressed. They span the centuries of history and bridge the barriers of denominations. Study them to be pure in heart; Sing them to be joyful in spirit, Store them in the mind to possess a treasury of worship." I do that best with hymnal in hand.

Some may think it easier to provide the words on a screen for people to sing. But, I ask, does it capture the heart of those singing or are the words forgotten to read the next line.

For reasons unknown to me, I've always been a loner, not following the crowd, standing alone. I guess I still am. I may be the last person standing who holds a hymnal in her hands, but I will cherish the book, where faithful men and women of old told God's story through their life for Christ. The old hymnal is my friend.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Soaring with Eagles

The other week my friend Cindy and I went to Conowingo Dam up in Harford County. Cindy had been following the eagles on the web, and November is a good time to get some snaps. I like the snap above because of the entire scene. The fall color with the eagle flying was neat!

I'm thinking we may have seen 10 to 12 eagles at different times. What an experience! I've only been fortunate to see one, may two, eagles, both at Blackwater Refuge in Cambridge.

It was a beautiful fall day, temperature warm (5 degrees warmer would have been nice) and the eagles were providing us with opportunities to snap away!

I didn't expect any great snaps with my little camera. I was hoping for some good snaps that I could enjoy. There were 8 to 10 folks with those thousand dollars lenses, but I wasn't intimidated. One older fella was looking out for me, pointing out eagles in trees.

The snap above actually had three eagles roosting, but I only managed to get two in the picture. But I was indeed happy! The snap below, only one eagle was resting for awhile.

Yes, I was soaring with the eagles and it was an exuberant feeling! Just as it says in Isaiah 40:31: "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles ..." The snap below is the best close up I got!

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Best Part of Life

"Yes, autumn is really the best of the seasons; and I'm not sure that old age isn't the best part of life. But of course, like autumn, it doesn't last." C. S. Lewis

My sister-in-law, Bobbie, called one Friday morning and said, "I'm going to Thurmont to get some fall pictures. Do you want to come along? Newly retired, and not haven taken many snaps lately, I said yes!

There was beauty to be found everywhere. Oh, if only it could last! The sky was a beautiful blue, just a perfect day to be out enjoying God's creation. A perfect time for reflection.

"Hiding in every flower, in every leaf, in every twig and bough, are reflections of the God who once walked with us in Eden." Tonia Triebwasser

We'll see that garden of Eden one day, and it will be perfect!

Once, Bobbie told me to look up--and look at what I saw! To think I almost missed it.

Yes, autumn is a beautiful season. Helen Steiner Rice wrote these words about autumn: "What a wonderful time is life's autumn, When the leaves of the trees are all gold, When God fills each day as He sends it, With memories priceless and old."

Reflecting on God's blessings warms your heart and inspires your soul. Musing about Lewis' statement about being old may be the best part of life, I'm tending to agree. All of nature now embraces me as it never has before.

The things of this world mean far less than they use to, and the things of God far more. Touching somebody's heart is more important than any achievement I've aimed for or any pleasure I desired.

George Washington Carver said this about nature: "I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in."

I encourage you to "tune in" as you pass a babbling brook, a majestic tree or see a soaring hawk. This may be the best part of your life! And for all those who know Jesus, the ultimate part of your life will be seeing Him!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Never Stop Praying

Through the years I've often done battle with the word never. I've learned it's in my best interest not to use it. It's a word that you often have to eat.

But I feel confidant in using it in this title. I was reminded of it this morning in a devotion I read. It told of George Muller, who founded orphanages in England in the 1800s, and the five close friends he prayed for to be saved.

After five years, he saw one friend saved. Another 10 years he saw another friend saved. Another 25 years of prayer found two more friends saved. That left one of the original five. Muller died not seeing the last one saved.

He had prayed for some 50 years for his friends. Fifty years. That's a long time to continue praying when you see sporadic results.

Scripture that is most often quoted regarding persistent prayer is found in Luke 18:2-6. Jesus tells his disciples a parable to show them they should always pray and not give up. It's the story of the widow who kept coming to the judge with her plea. The judge finally granted her request to get rid of her.

I certainly have prayers that I've been praying for years but have seen no answer. A number in fact. But I keep on praying for I know God answers prayer in His time and His way. Maybe I won't be here to see all of my prayers answered, as George Muller, but that doesn't stop my hope in praying.

Oh, that 5th friend of Muller's. He surrendered his life to Christ at Muller's funeral.

"The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results (James 5:15). The point is never to give up until the answer comes. For our God is gracious and generous and His works are miraculous.

I like this quote by Oswald Chambers, "The prayer of the feeblest saint on earth who lives in the Spirit and keeps right with God is a terror to Satan."

The early snow brought two bucks to our back gate. We hadn't seen them since summer.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Dream Continues

My book is on its way to the printers! I signed off on the Galley and Cover yesterday. I will get the first copy in two or three weeks.

Since I signed up with Inspiring Voices, a service of Guideposts, it's been an interesting journey. Only three short months have passed, but with very focused energy every day. Now begins the marketing phase.

It would be hard to describe what the note writing ministry has meant to me. From the early stages when I put forth my greatest energy on working with words to find the right ones to encourage someone ... to the middle stage when I felt comfortable writing those words ... to the present stage when I feel honored to write God's encouraging words--my life has been encouraged over and over.

It has been a fulfilling service, helping me grow in wisdom and understanding, and pushing me beyond my limits of the ultimate introvert. Imagine me, who can't say two words in a group of people, giving a talk to numbers of people, about an incredible ministry.

I think back to when Jerry first suggested I write a book on note writing, to actually doing it, producing it, and then selling it when I gave my presentation. And now it will have the possibility of touching many lives as God uses it for His Glory.

Dreams do come true ... even at 62! I can't imagine what it will be like holding a published copy of my book in my hands.

Jerry spotted the first snap and liked the scene. The second picture I snapped, enjoying the clothing for the lightpost.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Beginning of a Retired Life

"We shall everyone of us have a charge to keep, an eternal God to glorify, an immortal soul to provide for, one generation to serve." Charles Wesley wrote these words talking about the song he created titled: "A Charge to Keep I Have."

I especially like the words of the second stanza: "To serve the present age, my calling to fulfill--O may it all my pow'rs engage to do my Master's will!"

These are the words I found in the October 14th devotion in "Amazing Grace," on my last day of work. I felt they were given especially to me as I start my retirement. God has truly energized my desire to serve Him with the gifts He has given me.

But there is another reason the devotion was special: the 14th. Unplanned by me, the big occasions in my life have all arrived on the 14th. I was born on March 14th, which I obviously had nothing to do with. I was saved on November 14th, which I didn't plan; and I was married to Jerry on December 14th, which was the best date for the pastor who married us. And now here I am, on October 14th, retiring.

The scripture verse with the devotion is from Ephesians 4:1: "As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received."

Retirement has begun!I passed the first Monday without having to get up and go to work. But Sam and I did leave the house at 7:15 to begin walking in the park. It's a dream I've wanted to fulfill for a long time. Hopefully, most mornings we will be able to walk in the park.

Now begins the cleaning up, throwing out and rearranging in my writing room and computer room. Things have been piling up in there for the past few weeks, and I'm ready to get it over with. Organization has always been one of my qualities and it's time to get these rooms back.

I actually went three weeks without downloading any pictures I took. That certainly is a record! That big, beautiful tree on Pferffkorn Road is not quite in full fall color, so it's on my appointment book. I took the above picture last fall of the tree. I was away at the Annual Meeting when it was in full color; even so, the tree was still lovely. Hopefully, in a few days, I will get the snap I've imagined.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Best Thought

In the hymn "Be Thou My Vision," an 8th Century Irish hymn, one of the titles ascribed to God is "Best Thought." I've never thought of a title like this before, but, indeed, God is the Best Thought we can possibly have.

The actual words read: "Thou my best thought, by day or by night." Over the last week my thoughts have turned to "seeing" God. Actually seeing Him with my own eyes. We say often I can hardly wait to see God, but the phrase must have become common to me, and I hadn't really focused on that reality.

Recently I read these words: "Think of stepping on shore and finding it Heaven; Of taking hold of a hand and finding it God's."

Take a moment today and consider seeing God. It's powerful. It will be a reality one day. He is the very Best Thought I can ever have!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Considerate Inclusion

This morning I read a devotion in a new book titled "The One Year Book of Inspiration for Girlfriends." I just purchased the book after seeing it on the desk of my friend, Gail. Since girlfriends are very special to me I figured the book would be enjoyable as well as inspirational.

I almost had to laugh at the words I read this morning. You see, I'm slow. I'm intentionally slow. My new motto is "Time is life." I never did like "Time is money," so I've taken this new motto to heart.

I wasn't always slow. It's only been since I was saved back in '78 that I've become a slower person. And the place it most definiately makes people mad is on the road. So when I read the devotion this morning I smiled.

Bill McGlashen said: "Patience is something you admire in the driver behind you, but not in one ahead." And Ellen Miller went on to say she was convicted when she realized how inconsiderate she is with others, especially s...l...o...w ones.

She said she's always in a hurry no matter if it's walking, talking, driving, etc. She doesn't have a problem with "being patience when it come to things or circumstances--just people." And she realizes "this is actually a form of inconsiderate exclusion. Considerate inclusion must be extended to those who think and operate at a slower rate than I do."

The devotion ends with her account of walking into church behind a homeless man. She was running a bit late for church and not too patient. Then she saw how receptive her fellow leaders were toward this man. "Seeing the considerate inclusion of this poor soul by our well-heeled congregation made me so proud of who we are as Christians.

The scripture verse for the devotion exhorts all of us to be patient and encouraging: "May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other, as is fitting for followers of Christ Jesus."

I guess I will always be slow . . . slowly enjoy the conversation with a friend . . . slowly driving through back roads to enjoy the views, and slowly reading God's word to get everything out of it I can.

I snapped the picture above while slowly driving home from work the other week. I found the doe and two fawns having a relaxing afternoon in the field. After a few snaps, this horse decided to see what was going on. Time is life.

Friday, September 9, 2011

What Can You Do?

Being a quiet, introverted individual, I have always felt uncomfortable about the number of things I perceive that I can't do that "normal" people can. One of those things is the inability to open my mouth when I'm with a group of people. This weakness not only embarasses me in the work place, but also the house of God. It's like my mouth is frozen together and I can't open it.

From work meetings to work lunches, church fellowship events to Sunday School classes, work conferences and church retreats,I can't open my mouth and talk. It has frustrated me my entire adult life. Even at the age of 62, this weakness of not being able to talk in a group setting over shadows all my choices.

Yet God is aware of this weakness. And that must be why He gifted me in writing, and opened my mind to the ministry of note writing. Recently, in Sunday School, we've studied Mark 14, and I discovered a little gem. In verse 8, Jesus supports Mary, the sister of Lazarus, who poured a jar of expensive perfume over His feet in preparation for His burial. He said: "She did what she could."

"She did what she could." I like that. I may not be able to speak when I'm with a group of people, but I can do what He HAS gifted me with--writing encouraging notes. And in God's eyes, it is enough.

I was recently asked to give my note writing presentation at a senior adult retreat. I've spoken at a number of events for the churches in the convention where I work. You might be thinking, "I thought you couldn't talk in groups of people?" You're right. I can't. But I can read. My entire presetnation is typed. I read the words exactly as typed to the class. It must be working because people respond.

But my flesh still said no to the request. It's too uncomfortable. But then I thought: "my book is being published. Who knows what doors God will open to teach others about this incredible mininstry." I'm stepping out of my comfort zone to do what I can.

As I prepare for retirement and the new life God has in store for me, I will remember what God has given me to do. I humbly submit that I'm doing what I can. How about you? That's all God asks.

Friday, August 19, 2011

A Double Blessing

I'm beginning a new life . . . retirement, and accomplishing a dream instilled in my heart for years . . . publishing my book. How did all this happen?

My life was all planned out,or so I thought. I dreaded waiting until 2014 to retire. Then in March of this year I was overwhelmed with the thought, "Why can't I retire now?" It was a force strange to me, overpowering all my well thoughtout plans. I had peace in my heart and told my boss I would retire in March, 2012.

Then in May I read in the current Guideposts magazine that they had partnered with Inspiring Voices to help people publish their story. As soon as I read it I knew" "This is for me." I contracted with them in July and my book is now with the editoral staff.

During this process my heart was in turmoil concerning my retirement date. Now I didn't want to wait until March 2012. "How will I make it until then?" I labored. Finally, last week, I asked God to bring peace to my heart about retiring next March, or make it very clear that I was to retire this year. His answer came quick.

I reviewed what taxes we would owe if I retired in 2012. I discovered our tax burden would be horrendous if I waited. I couldn't do that to Jerry and me. I had my answer.

October 14 I will officially retire and begin a new life. My book will probably be in the production stage at that time. I will enter the new year as a published author.

I will be be focusing on telling the world what an incredible ministry note writing is. I can hardly wait!

Yes, I'm beginning a new life . . . going down a new path. I'm excited to see what God has planned!

Friday, August 12, 2011

A Summer Garden

The other week my friend, Diana, called to say her garden was ready for me to snap. Diana is my "sweet" friend. She's a poetess. I love it when she calls me and reads me a new poem. Quite talented and very inspiring. A few years ago I typed up her poems in book form and presented her with "Diana's Poems." She said she held the book in her hands for a long time.

It just so happens that the next Saturday was overcast -- perfect for flower picture taking! The only problem was Jerry and I were to leave for Mom's at 9:30. So I was out of the house at 6:40, arriving at her home at 7. David yelled "good morning" as he left for work. Another few minutes brought Diana out of the house and into my photo session.

It was a delightful morning. And I was presently surprised when she brought out Pumpkin, newest family member, below. Isn't she cute!

Below are some of the snaps I was rewarded with for my early outing.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Remembered Request

I remember talking with God last year about taking pictures of bucks. I hadn't had the opportunity to take many snaps of bucks and asked Him if He would arrange it that I could.

It wasn't until last week that I remembered this request. The very year He provided six bucks to feed at my back gate for six weeks! Thank you God! In my July 21st post, I spoke of this "Bachellor Party" in my back yard. A friend suggested I call them the "Gentlemen's Club." You might remember the snap below.

The next snap is the last picture of the dominant buck. He was a big guy! Haven't seen the Gentlemen's Club for two weeks now. Only two of the young guys continue to come up.

I've had several opportunities to snap buck on the road. I posted July 29th of a lone buck walking across the field. In my 8 x 10 print this picture looks super!

Below are some of the other snaps I've taken this year.

I found these two bucks on a curve I pass frequently. It's one of those places where I decided a deer should be. So I always look around when I drive around it. This particularly morning I found these two, and a doe not in the picture.

I love the stack of wood between the two trees in the snap below! I had been watching it for a few days and wanted to get a snap. When I saw these two bucks there I did!

And these two younger bucks are part of the Gentlemen's Club. They were helping themselves to a drink from my neighbor's bird bath.

This buck and doe were a disappointed. When I saw them there were 8 in the pack. By the time I turned around and could get a snap off only the buck and doe was left. Oh well, maybe next time.

And one of my very favorite snaps of a few years ago when one of our doe brought her triplets up I was able to get this little one walking over to this buck.

God delights in giving us the desires of our heart. He certainly brought much delight to my heart with all these bucks!

Monday, August 1, 2011

A GaRand Day!

General George Patton said,"The M1 Garand is the finest battle instrument ever devised." I carried one for three yeas when I was in the army; that was some time ago.

I didn't think much more about it until three years ago when I bought my own M1. The picture above is when I received it from the mighty hands of my brother-in-law, David. The picture below, David and I are admiring my M1.

I have hunted all my life, and I love to shoot.

After I had been retired a few years, the opportunity came to work part-time as a Range Officer at the Westminster Shooting Range. I grabbed at it, and this is my 4th year "working" at what I like best!

And that's where my story begins.

My wife's boss is a fine Christian man. I have met him before, but not any of his sons. His oldest, J.T., had an interest in the M1 and wanted to shoot one. His brother, Jake, wanted to shoot too!

Through some conversation, arramgements were made for them to come to my workplace on my day off and shoot the M1! Everyone was excited, even me. You see, Tom, and his sons, J.T. and Jake, had never fired a gun before. July 27th, 2011, was their day.

I gave them some homework to do before they got to the range regarding safety. (If all students paid attention like they did everyone would want to be a teacher!) The picture below shows them loading the clips.

The thrill was about to begin. The person who was shooting wore my ear protectors because they are electronic, and I could talk in a normal voice.

One by one it happened. They all shot the M1 with its loud report and sharp recoil. When the last round was fired of each clip, the "ping" of the clip leaving the receiver--WOW! What a thrill! They fired a piece of history! Below shows each of them firing the M1.

You can't see in the picture below, but they all did very well!

What a joy I had just being with them and enjoying the fellowship of Christian friends. Yes, we are going to do it again as soon as we can.

I'd like to thank Shelly, Tom's wife, for letting the boys come out and play. I had such a good time.

Whenever I shoot for fun (not working), when I'm done I go to a favorite restaurant of Carol's and mine for a fried chicken lunch, so that's what we did. Yum!

Doing things you like to do with Christian friends is a wonderful joy and should be done often. Are you ready to shoot?

I had a pin on button made that says, "My M1 is Garand"--a little play on words there. (The flat copy is below.)I gave each one a button because I had a Garand day. Praise God!

Friday, July 29, 2011

It's Fawn Month!

How I love when July rolls around! It's definitely not the heat that I love. It's the fawns. Thought I'd share some of my joy the last two weeks!

The two snaps above and directly below are two fawns I found on the side of the road. I never saw a doe. They didn't care that I was there, and I got to snap for about 8 minutes before I said, "Well, I've got to move on. Thanks for the joy!"

The snap below I found on the way home. They weren't concerned I was there. It's a peaceful snap.

I found these two fawns close to home on a road I haven't been on for a few months. They were a delight to watch. No doe in sight. Was able to sit there a few minutes and enjoy them.

I found this doe and fawns unexpectedly on a road I take frequently. The doe wasn't happy I was there but let me snap for about 4 minutes.

This buck was taking a leisurely stroll across the field on Pefferkorn Road. There are usually a number of cars behind me but this morning no one was there. I sat for 2minutes and took his picture.

This doe and fawns were on a secluded country road.

This is one of our bucks with a younger buck at our back gate.

These are just some of the snaps I really liked. They look nicer on paper. This morning I took some more snaps of two does and three fawn. I'm anxious to see how they turned out!

Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...