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Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Old Hymnal

In my church on Sunday mornings there is an old friend that now sits undisturbed, unused. The hymnal seems to have been passed over for a new age and new ideas.

Eyes now look at a screen up front where words are displayed, four lines at a time. To me, it's so bare. Once the words are sung, they disappear for another four lines of words, and so on through the song. You don't get to see an entire verse in its whole, or dwell on the words because they are soon forgotten.

There is one who still holds the hymnal in her hands and delights in singing by looking at the words and music. Me. So many hymns build the gospel story as they go through the verses. I get much satisfaction being able to see the entire hymn in front of me so that I can dwell on the words as I sing.

The words don't disappear in a blink of the eye. The story unfolds before me and the meaning understood. Seeing the musical notes with the words adds to my enjoyment of the entire hymn. I cherish the book that speaks of Jesus and tells His story for all to know.

I was given a very special hymnal during my career with the Baptist Convention. I was honored to work with a man of music, a master of song and story. Dee Solomon was a perfect example of a man filled with God's word and gifted with His music, and Dee did what he could so others may know the love of Christ.

Dee's hand was in the creation of "The Baptist Hymnal for Home & Family." When I learned of this I told him I was going to purchase a copy for a special remembrance of his work. To my surprise and delight, Dee presented me with a copy and wrote the following lovely words on the front page. Below is his note, followed with the words typed.

"In deep appreciation for your friendship and whose life is truly symphonic, influencing all with its soft moments, many themes that develops into beautiful melodies, varied rhythms to meet the demand of the day. Thank you for your encouragement and constant caring. May the words and music of this hymnal be the source of inspiration for life's journey."

He truly encouraged the encourager.

In the book "Amazing Grace ... Inspiring Hymn Stories" Kenneth W. Osbeck shares this thought about the hymnal: "The church hymnal, a most important heritage of the Christian church, is one of the finest collections of man's thoughts and feelings about God."

I also like these words from an unknown author: "Hymns breathe the praise of saints, The vision of the prophets, The prayers of the penitent and the spirit of the martyrs. They bring solace to the sad, Assurance to the perplexed, Faith to the doubter and comfort to the oppressed. They span the centuries of history and bridge the barriers of denominations. Study them to be pure in heart; Sing them to be joyful in spirit, Store them in the mind to possess a treasury of worship." I do that best with hymnal in hand.

Some may think it easier to provide the words on a screen for people to sing. But, I ask, does it capture the heart of those singing or are the words forgotten to read the next line.

For reasons unknown to me, I've always been a loner, not following the crowd, standing alone. I guess I still am. I may be the last person standing who holds a hymnal in her hands, but I will cherish the book, where faithful men and women of old told God's story through their life for Christ. The old hymnal is my friend.

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