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Monday, November 7, 2011

The Best Part of Life

"Yes, autumn is really the best of the seasons; and I'm not sure that old age isn't the best part of life. But of course, like autumn, it doesn't last." C. S. Lewis

My sister-in-law, Bobbie, called one Friday morning and said, "I'm going to Thurmont to get some fall pictures. Do you want to come along? Newly retired, and not haven taken many snaps lately, I said yes!

There was beauty to be found everywhere. Oh, if only it could last! The sky was a beautiful blue, just a perfect day to be out enjoying God's creation. A perfect time for reflection.

"Hiding in every flower, in every leaf, in every twig and bough, are reflections of the God who once walked with us in Eden." Tonia Triebwasser

We'll see that garden of Eden one day, and it will be perfect!

Once, Bobbie told me to look up--and look at what I saw! To think I almost missed it.

Yes, autumn is a beautiful season. Helen Steiner Rice wrote these words about autumn: "What a wonderful time is life's autumn, When the leaves of the trees are all gold, When God fills each day as He sends it, With memories priceless and old."

Reflecting on God's blessings warms your heart and inspires your soul. Musing about Lewis' statement about being old may be the best part of life, I'm tending to agree. All of nature now embraces me as it never has before.

The things of this world mean far less than they use to, and the things of God far more. Touching somebody's heart is more important than any achievement I've aimed for or any pleasure I desired.

George Washington Carver said this about nature: "I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in."

I encourage you to "tune in" as you pass a babbling brook, a majestic tree or see a soaring hawk. This may be the best part of your life! And for all those who know Jesus, the ultimate part of your life will be seeing Him!

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