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Friday, August 5, 2011

Remembered Request

I remember talking with God last year about taking pictures of bucks. I hadn't had the opportunity to take many snaps of bucks and asked Him if He would arrange it that I could.

It wasn't until last week that I remembered this request. The very year He provided six bucks to feed at my back gate for six weeks! Thank you God! In my July 21st post, I spoke of this "Bachellor Party" in my back yard. A friend suggested I call them the "Gentlemen's Club." You might remember the snap below.

The next snap is the last picture of the dominant buck. He was a big guy! Haven't seen the Gentlemen's Club for two weeks now. Only two of the young guys continue to come up.

I've had several opportunities to snap buck on the road. I posted July 29th of a lone buck walking across the field. In my 8 x 10 print this picture looks super!

Below are some of the other snaps I've taken this year.

I found these two bucks on a curve I pass frequently. It's one of those places where I decided a deer should be. So I always look around when I drive around it. This particularly morning I found these two, and a doe not in the picture.

I love the stack of wood between the two trees in the snap below! I had been watching it for a few days and wanted to get a snap. When I saw these two bucks there I did!

And these two younger bucks are part of the Gentlemen's Club. They were helping themselves to a drink from my neighbor's bird bath.

This buck and doe were a disappointed. When I saw them there were 8 in the pack. By the time I turned around and could get a snap off only the buck and doe was left. Oh well, maybe next time.

And one of my very favorite snaps of a few years ago when one of our doe brought her triplets up I was able to get this little one walking over to this buck.

God delights in giving us the desires of our heart. He certainly brought much delight to my heart with all these bucks!

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