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Friday, August 19, 2011

A Double Blessing

I'm beginning a new life . . . retirement, and accomplishing a dream instilled in my heart for years . . . publishing my book. How did all this happen?

My life was all planned out,or so I thought. I dreaded waiting until 2014 to retire. Then in March of this year I was overwhelmed with the thought, "Why can't I retire now?" It was a force strange to me, overpowering all my well thoughtout plans. I had peace in my heart and told my boss I would retire in March, 2012.

Then in May I read in the current Guideposts magazine that they had partnered with Inspiring Voices to help people publish their story. As soon as I read it I knew" "This is for me." I contracted with them in July and my book is now with the editoral staff.

During this process my heart was in turmoil concerning my retirement date. Now I didn't want to wait until March 2012. "How will I make it until then?" I labored. Finally, last week, I asked God to bring peace to my heart about retiring next March, or make it very clear that I was to retire this year. His answer came quick.

I reviewed what taxes we would owe if I retired in 2012. I discovered our tax burden would be horrendous if I waited. I couldn't do that to Jerry and me. I had my answer.

October 14 I will officially retire and begin a new life. My book will probably be in the production stage at that time. I will enter the new year as a published author.

I will be be focusing on telling the world what an incredible ministry note writing is. I can hardly wait!

Yes, I'm beginning a new life . . . going down a new path. I'm excited to see what God has planned!

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