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Friday, September 9, 2011

What Can You Do?

Being a quiet, introverted individual, I have always felt uncomfortable about the number of things I perceive that I can't do that "normal" people can. One of those things is the inability to open my mouth when I'm with a group of people. This weakness not only embarasses me in the work place, but also the house of God. It's like my mouth is frozen together and I can't open it.

From work meetings to work lunches, church fellowship events to Sunday School classes, work conferences and church retreats,I can't open my mouth and talk. It has frustrated me my entire adult life. Even at the age of 62, this weakness of not being able to talk in a group setting over shadows all my choices.

Yet God is aware of this weakness. And that must be why He gifted me in writing, and opened my mind to the ministry of note writing. Recently, in Sunday School, we've studied Mark 14, and I discovered a little gem. In verse 8, Jesus supports Mary, the sister of Lazarus, who poured a jar of expensive perfume over His feet in preparation for His burial. He said: "She did what she could."

"She did what she could." I like that. I may not be able to speak when I'm with a group of people, but I can do what He HAS gifted me with--writing encouraging notes. And in God's eyes, it is enough.

I was recently asked to give my note writing presentation at a senior adult retreat. I've spoken at a number of events for the churches in the convention where I work. You might be thinking, "I thought you couldn't talk in groups of people?" You're right. I can't. But I can read. My entire presetnation is typed. I read the words exactly as typed to the class. It must be working because people respond.

But my flesh still said no to the request. It's too uncomfortable. But then I thought: "my book is being published. Who knows what doors God will open to teach others about this incredible mininstry." I'm stepping out of my comfort zone to do what I can.

As I prepare for retirement and the new life God has in store for me, I will remember what God has given me to do. I humbly submit that I'm doing what I can. How about you? That's all God asks.

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