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Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Beginning of a Retired Life

"We shall everyone of us have a charge to keep, an eternal God to glorify, an immortal soul to provide for, one generation to serve." Charles Wesley wrote these words talking about the song he created titled: "A Charge to Keep I Have."

I especially like the words of the second stanza: "To serve the present age, my calling to fulfill--O may it all my pow'rs engage to do my Master's will!"

These are the words I found in the October 14th devotion in "Amazing Grace," on my last day of work. I felt they were given especially to me as I start my retirement. God has truly energized my desire to serve Him with the gifts He has given me.

But there is another reason the devotion was special: the 14th. Unplanned by me, the big occasions in my life have all arrived on the 14th. I was born on March 14th, which I obviously had nothing to do with. I was saved on November 14th, which I didn't plan; and I was married to Jerry on December 14th, which was the best date for the pastor who married us. And now here I am, on October 14th, retiring.

The scripture verse with the devotion is from Ephesians 4:1: "As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received."

Retirement has begun!I passed the first Monday without having to get up and go to work. But Sam and I did leave the house at 7:15 to begin walking in the park. It's a dream I've wanted to fulfill for a long time. Hopefully, most mornings we will be able to walk in the park.

Now begins the cleaning up, throwing out and rearranging in my writing room and computer room. Things have been piling up in there for the past few weeks, and I'm ready to get it over with. Organization has always been one of my qualities and it's time to get these rooms back.

I actually went three weeks without downloading any pictures I took. That certainly is a record! That big, beautiful tree on Pferffkorn Road is not quite in full fall color, so it's on my appointment book. I took the above picture last fall of the tree. I was away at the Annual Meeting when it was in full color; even so, the tree was still lovely. Hopefully, in a few days, I will get the snap I've imagined.

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