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Friday, July 29, 2011

It's Fawn Month!

How I love when July rolls around! It's definitely not the heat that I love. It's the fawns. Thought I'd share some of my joy the last two weeks!

The two snaps above and directly below are two fawns I found on the side of the road. I never saw a doe. They didn't care that I was there, and I got to snap for about 8 minutes before I said, "Well, I've got to move on. Thanks for the joy!"

The snap below I found on the way home. They weren't concerned I was there. It's a peaceful snap.

I found these two fawns close to home on a road I haven't been on for a few months. They were a delight to watch. No doe in sight. Was able to sit there a few minutes and enjoy them.

I found this doe and fawns unexpectedly on a road I take frequently. The doe wasn't happy I was there but let me snap for about 4 minutes.

This buck was taking a leisurely stroll across the field on Pefferkorn Road. There are usually a number of cars behind me but this morning no one was there. I sat for 2minutes and took his picture.

This doe and fawns were on a secluded country road.

This is one of our bucks with a younger buck at our back gate.

These are just some of the snaps I really liked. They look nicer on paper. This morning I took some more snaps of two does and three fawn. I'm anxious to see how they turned out!

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