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Monday, July 18, 2011

I Love my Darkroom

My very own little darkroom. How amazing! It's almost like magic . . .

Last week I found a doe and her twins and took some snaps. It was an extremely bright morning and all the snaps were really a blowout. After I played around on Photoshop, I sent one over to my sister-in-law to see if she could improve it. She sent it back and couldn't help it much either.

Below is the before picture.

Saturday morning I gave it another try. And in my playing, out popped a doe laying down in the black area! That always makes me smile. It also happened the time I walked into the woods and took some snaps of a fawn. It wasn't until I lightened the snap that the doe popped out.

The picture still isnt' great, but it's good enough for me to put a mat around it and put it on the wall to enjoy. What do you think? The doe is to the left of the fawn. I copied and paste green limbs all around the doe, but couldn't get her to come out any nicer. From black to dull for her. But she's there! :)

1 comment:

  1. Serves as a good thought that not all is what it seems. Though it appears that darkness was around, hidden inside was a blessing. God is good.


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