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Wednesday, December 28, 2011


One of my Facebook friends posted the following quote on her page this morning:

"Not often, but every once in a while, God brings us to a major turning point--a great crossroads in our life. From that point on we either go toward a more slow, lazy, and useless Christian life, or we become more and more on fire, giving our utmost for His highest--our best for His glory!" Oswald Chambers

2011 was a crossroads year in my life. A major turning point. When 2011 began I had no idea I would be retired by the end of the year, or my book would be published. The first crossroad was to happen in 2014, and the second crossroad had been a forgotten dream that wouldn't take place.

I know these two crossroads came from God because my heart was calm and at rest as they unfolded. Astonishing, but believable.

Now, where will these two crossroads take me. It's kind of scary. Will I have to take a part-time job to make ends meet? Will our plans for an enjoyable retirement be changed? Do I have the courage to self promote my book? Will I survive book signings and events?

Will I become slow, lazy and useless for Christ? Or will I burn brightly for His glory? The passion God gave me for note writing is still strong. Just this morning I penned a note, and after writing it I asked God: "Where did those words come from?" "How do you do that God?"

I believe so strongly in this gift God has given me. How I long to awaken other's to this incredible ministry of encouraging through note writing . . . or encouraging through any avenue God gives you.

Yes, along the path there are crossroads. You've probably had a few already. Let it light your fire to whatever God has given you to do. Do it with all your might. Do it with a humble heart. Do it because you love Christ.

Crossroads. The dictionary put it this way: "a crucial point." Dare to take the high road. The only road. Christ's road.

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