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Tuesday, April 2, 2024

A Successful Life!

 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him,
who have been called according to His purpose."
Romans 8:28

What a treat! The other day I was going through my memory box of special things. That's always a joy. It refreshes memories of old; helps me see when my life changes through the years and gives me inspiration to continue on.

I came across my ten rules to make my life successful. When I say successful, I mean accomplishing what God has given me to do. I wrote these rules probably 30 years ago. They all still apply today as I live my life for God.

I believe it is good to keep in your mind the work God has given you to do. It helps structure each day, week, month and year, and inspires you to do the service you have been gifted to do.

Some points on my list are . . . spend quiet time with God to prepare my heart for the service He has called me to . . . accept my character being sensitive, deep-feeling and emotional so that I can utilize His gift to encourage . . . lead a disciplined, organized life needing rest and quiet . . . doubt not that God knows my fears . . . and only I can accomplish God's purposes for my life.

Finding these rules now, in my 75th year, I can see how they've worked out through the years. Most of the time I've been successful. Occasionally I've needed guidance. Sometimes I've failed miserably. But I have stuck to my rules for the most part and believe I am doing the work God has given me to do.

This is not a pat on the back for me, for I have certainly failed many times through my life. Yet, these rules give me the direction I need to continue each day serving God. 

God changed my focus a number of times, but always keeping the gifts He gave to me. He just changed the way I used them, discovering new ways of serving. We need to always be open to the opportunities He puts before us.

What about you? Have you ever thought about your purpose(s) in life and what you have to do to be successful? I think it's something all of us should consider as we travel through life. We are put here for God's purpose(s), and knowing what that purpose is for you, and doing it, will make the difference between a good or bad life. 

What do you need to do to be successful in living for God? It will be different for each of us. Think about it if you never have. Write up rules for you to be successful. 

"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'"
Matthew 25:21

All of us want to hear God say, "Well done good and faithful servant." All we do is by the grace of God, the strength through Christ, and the direction through the Holy Spirit. "Jesus is showing that those who use what He gives to them to increase what is His will, will also be rewarded with greater opportunity and joy when He returns."

I'm finally seeing some of these happy flowers show up around here. 

By His Grace . . .


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