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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Bring Me a Minstrel

 "But now bring me (Elisha) a minstrel. And it came to pass, when the minstrel played,
that the hand of the Lord came upon him."
2 Kings 3:15

The joys of Spring!

Many of us are familiar with David playing the harp for King Saul to bring calm to his soul.  But there is another passage in the Bible that is not as familiar.  

In a recent devotion by Chris Tiegreen, in his book, Hearing His Voice, I read the above Scripture verse. I wasn't familiar with the verse and it brought another insight to the power of music. 

Reading about Elisha and his need for a musician to help bring him calm definitely makes a powerful point in the ability of music to help us.

On, David Guzik provided this commentary on 2 Kings 3:15:

"When Elisha wanted to become more sensitive to the leading and speaking of the Holy Spirit, he asked for the service of a musician. This demonstrates the great spiritual power in music. This he requires, that his mind, which had been disturbed and inflamed with holy anger at the sight of wicked Jehoram, might be composed, and cheered, and united within itself, and that he might be excited to the more fervent prayer to God, and joyfully praising Him; whereby he was prepared to receive the prophetical announcement.

"The way to be filled with the Spirit is to edify ourselves by psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs. This nameless musician was endowed with God-given talents, and he used them for the good of others. Surely it never occurred to him that by his music he would help win a military victory and have a dramatic effect on history. But when he shared his God-given ability, the power of God came upon the prophet."

I confess, I don't listen to music. I enjoy singing and do that every morning and evening. But just listening to music during the day has not happened. I think my mind is busy writing, and I don't want to be sidetracked. Yet, it just might be exactly what I need to continually provide calmness to my soul. 

I did try a few years ago. When I was quilting. I played music and sang to the songs. But it didn't last long. Maybe I should forget about music of favorite artists that I can sing too, and find music that is just music, no words. Background music. 

I'm thankful for devotion books that continually bring ideas into my mind for consideration. It was good to read about Elisha and what he did to help him hear the words of God.

Music is powerful. 
From Patrick Conley Video

By His Grace . . .

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