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Tuesday, April 9, 2024

It Really Is!

Have you heard of "National Card and Letter Writing Month?" It really exists! It doesn't get much attention in these days of fast, fast and fast. But it's a worthy cause. One of my favorite subjects!

Please appease me while I promote and reminisce the joy I've experienced writing notes and letters through the years.

National Card and Letter Month is celebrated throughout April. Letter writing has been largely replaced by digital technology with folks sending emails, texts and messages, but for those of us who write letters and enjoy receiving them it is a month to be celebrated!

I've had a number of "pen" friends through the years, and keeping in touch with them through letters and notes is a fun and happy endeavor. It puts such a smile on my face when I see a hand-written note in the mail. You don't just type as fast as you can, with no thought, when you hand write a letter or note. You put yourself into the experience, your thoughts, your dreams, your life. 

Here I am when I got started in note and letter writing. See that ancient
electric typewriter with screen before computers.

The English poet, John Donne, said: "Letters mingle souls." When thinking about notes I like to say, "Notes stir hearts." That's what a note written to me did over 50 years ago. I received a note, and it changed my life.

Notes can move us to tears, spur us to action, provoke us, uplift us, touch us.  As in my case, a note transformed me. Letters and notes are powerful.

After attending a writer's conference, I wrote a note to one of the speakers, Michael Phillips, well-known Christian writer. He had given a book he wrote to each of the participants in his class. I wrote him to thank him for the book and express my feelings on what he wrote.

A month later I received a note from Michael Phillips. He said: "I have a policy that the first letter I receive about any piece of writing I've done, I respond with a personal, handwritten note thanking them. You are the first I've received on this book." He went on to write encouraging words to me that gave me a lift in spirit and inspiration to continue in the direction I was going.

You have to make an effort to sit down and write. Letter writing has been around since the earliest centuries. It is still a wonderful way to communicate. 

When I wrote my book on note writing, my friend, Peggy, drew this little bird for me, carrying a note through the air. I've put it on many envelopes and papers through the years, a special one-of-a-kind delivery to touch the heart of the receiver.

When I spoke about note writing to groups, I'd tell stories of how notes affected people. Here are a few of them:

"My daughter, Melissa, played in the Marshall High School Band. After graduating high school, years later, she read in the newspaper that her high school band director was under fire from a group of parents demanding that the school board dismiss him. (He did nothing wrong.) One day Melissa stopped by Marshall High School to give a word of encouragement to this man. He thanked her and reached into his briefcase and pulled out a letter of encouragement and appreciation Melissa had written to him when she graduated from high school. He had been carrying it in his briefcase for many years. He told her that the letter had helped get him through the problems he was going through."

Professional Carol trying to look professional; in reality, very nervous and uncomfortable!

Another story written for Guideposts magazine in 2001 tells of a woman who's dream it was to be a published writer to uplift others. But that dream was never fulfilled because she never had a chance to write. Life was too busy as a mother to fulfill this dream. The writer continued: "After my mother died, I was going through her belongings and found an 'Acceptance Letter' box. It was heavy and I wondered what my mother kept in it. What I found was indeed 'Acceptance Letters.' There were thank you letters my mother received from people she wrote who were ill; a thank you from a soldier in boot camp who was lonely. My mother encouraged a salesman when he was at his lowest point. And many others. God did fulfill my mother's dream of writing to uplift others. He fulfilled it through notes and letters."

At this conference I was being video recorded.
You can best believe my knees were shaking!

I received a note from a young lady I wrote to in hopes of encouraging her. It said: "I want to thank you for all of the cards and little notes you send. It seems like whenever I need a little encouragement there is a note in the mail. Jesus must know right when I need a little help."

Whoever you choose to write to, friend, family, acquaintances, writing is a form of communication that needs to be revived. Please consider giving a gift of a note or letter to someone this month. You will be richly rewarded just by writing it!

Jerry nicknamed me "NOTE" worthy for God after seeing how many notes I wrote. 
The nicknamed stuck and that's why it's on many of the things I do today.

Note Writing. Letter writing. It really does make a difference. I'm so glad one made a difference in my life!

By His Grace . . .

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