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Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Let's Hear It!

 Easter is God's miracle message of risen hope for every believing heart.

I love Magnolia trees! I had one in my back yard in Maryland. When we moved to PA we planted three Magnolia trees in our yard. I found out real quick that the weather in PA doesn't provide well for the Magnolia tree in April. I always get buds and opening flowers, but the cold returns to quickly and ends the beauty. So thankful to have pictures to enjoy of earlier years.

The wonder of it all. Perfect description of the week of Easter. A time of celebration, joy, hope and thankfulness. The wonder of it all!

The following post was shared in April 2013. I think it's time to read it again!

"When was the last time you heard a good, loud "amen" in church? I can't think of a time when anyone has shouted me down in holy agreement with the Word. We clap at the end of our songs and when someone shares a testimony, but when's the last time you heard someone clap after the reading of the Scripture or during the offering" Michael Catt, The Power of Surrender

A couple of months ago a couple visited are church and we were in for a pleasant surprise. He "amened ... that's right ... preach ..." us through the sermon. Pastor Larry and his wife, Felecia, joined with our fellowship a few weeks ago and my heart has been lifted with his boisterous agreement during the sermon.

At my home church, 30 years ago, there would occasionally be amens, but few of the other churches we've attended added this affirmation during the sermon. Fred Luter, pastor in New Orleans, was invited to a conference at my home church many years ago and WOW did I hear the excitement from the audience. 

Now, once again, a fellow worshipper holds nothing back as he agrees with God's message on Sunday mornings. Last week I even heard a few others verbally affirm words spoken by our pastor. You know, I think our pastor has even found new excitement as he preaches because of voiceful agreement in the congregation!

This is one of the largest and fullest Magnolia trees I have ever see. My friend, Roy, found this a few years ago, and I'm thankful he posted it on his Page.

Might I say there is great power in voicing our agreement in the preached Word! Will this quiet listener rise to the occasion. I don't know, but my heart sure does! The next time Pastor Larry stands up and claps I may just shout Amen!

Do I hear an Amen!

Because He lives, may you enjoy a praise-filled Easter,
a joy-filled spring, and a hope-filled heart!

By His Grace . . .

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