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Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Rest Easy

A friend put this graphic up on her Facebook page the other day, and I was drawn to it. Quotes have a way of doing that. That's why my journals are filled with quotes from saints of God all around the world that have caused me to stop and ponder.

Blanket of Hope. What a lovely thought. Always being covered by God's gift of Grace helps you through all things. 

Grace is such an inclusive word. God's grace touches every area of our life. No matter what the situation is, concern is, happiness is, the word Grace, God's Grace, transforms your mind bringing you hope.

I wrote these words back in March 2022 for my church's newsletter:

"We’ve all been given the gift of Grace. We have a choice. We can receive it, or we can deny it. The decision is up to us.

"God gives this gift freely because He loves us. Not because we’re entitled to it. Not because we are good. Not because we won it. He freely gives it. We just have to accept it.

"The gift of grace is a deep well. We know the simple definition: “God gives us what we don’t deserve.”  In reality He gives us so much more.  Grace affects everything we do as we live our life for Him.

"We’re saved because of His Grace. We’re justified because of His Grace. We can approach God’s Throne because of Grace.  His Grace is all we need to live a complete life in Christ.

"We are gifted to serve because of His Grace. We can be confident in our calling because He has given us everything we need to serve Him through His Grace."

I like the thought of "Blanket of Hope." 

Sing with me: 

Wonderful Grace of Jesus

"Wonderful grace of Jesus, greater than all my sin;
How shall my tongue describe it, where shall its praise begin?
Taking away my burden, setting my spirit free,
For the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me."

"Wonderful the matchless grace of Jesus, deeper than the mighty rolling sea,
Higher than the mountain, sparkling like a fountain, all sufficient grace for even me;
Broader than the scope of my transgressions, Greater far than all my grief and shame,
Oh magnify the precious Name of Jesus
Praise His Name!"

And a new worship hymn "Grace Flows Down" by Christy Nockels says in the refrain:

"Amazing grace how sweet the sound,
Amazing love, now flowing down,
From hands and feet that were nailed to the tree,
As grace flows down and covers me."

"It covers me,
It covers me,
And covers me."

By His Grace . . .

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