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Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Them There Words Again

 "Words--so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, 
how potent for good and evil they become, in the hands of one
 who knows how to combine them!"
Nathaniel Hawthorne1804-1864

This winter wonderland window display was created by my friend, Kathy.

On my Facebook feed last week was an ad for a book by Anne Graham Lotz. The words in the introduction stopped me. They were beautiful.

That's the way of words. They can bring joy to your heart and thrill your soul. They have the ability to stop you and cause you to ponder. I knew I would write those words in my journal.  

Another lovely winer window from my friend, Kathy.

I love reading words by gifted writers. Especially when the words speak directly to my heart and how I feel. It thrills my heart reading words that express in a new way something I love. 

The title of Anne's book is "The Joy of My Heart." These are the words she wrote:

"He is . . . the Wind beneath my wings, the Treasure that I seek, the Foundation on which I build,
the Song in my heart, the Object of my desire, the Breath of my life--He is my All in all!
And His Word is the joy of my heart!"

I think most of us can say "that's how I feel." A true statement for all those who love and live their life for God.

These are some words that always make me pause and ponder:

Hope . . . the very thought that I am His and He is mine. Forever.

Snow . . . He washes me as white as snow.

Refresh . . . my soul is thrilled when I think on God and all He has done for me.

Glorious . . . only God holds that thought in my mind.

Everlasting arms . . . I'm held by and forever in my God's arms.

Joy . . . the sweetness God brings to your life.

Words. You can't get away from them. We use them all day long. And then there are WORDS. Those words put together to bring happiness to your heart. Those words about God.

"Little keys can open big locks. Simple words can express great thoughts."
William Arthur Ward

Them there words again.

By His Grace . . .

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