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Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Enriched Life

I've always loved this picture. I bought it a few years ago at a fair in Cook Forest.
The scene is made in cotton.
Back in January 2016, I made a list of ways God enriches my life after reading David Jeremiah's book:  The Upward Call. They still ring true today!

He refreshes me! He's steadfast and true.
He provides peace and brings rest.
He enables me to do good things.
He helps me to do my best.
My worry's are limited because I know He's in control of all things.
He brings joy, rich and full joy.
He talks to me through His Word.
He thrills my soul when I hear others speak of Him and trust Him.
He guides my way, confirming choices and opening doors.
He cheers me when I'm scared and assures me He loves me.
He's always with me. I can always turn to Him when I'm in need. I'm never alone.
He provides a family for me to be a part of so I know I  belong somewhere.
He is trustworthy and true. He never lies.
His creation is glorious and majestic. It brings laughter, fun and satisfaction.

What more can you add to this list? How does God enrich your life?

The beauty of a snowflake. Photographer unknown.

Psalm 119 is a favorite psalm. I like what Johannes Paulus Palanterius, from the 1600s, said about it:

"This Psalm is called the Alphabet of Divine Love, the Paradise of all the Doctrines, the Storehouse of the Holy Spirit, the School of Truth, also the deep mystery of the Scriptures, where the whole moral discipline of all the virtues shines brightly. And as all moral instruction is delightsome, therefore this Psalm, because excelling in this kind of instruction, should be called delightsome, inasmuch as it surpasses the rest. The other Psalms, truly, as lesser stars shine somewhat; but this burns with the meridian heat of its full brightness and is wholly resplendent with moral loveliness." 

Spurgeon says the 119th psalm is known among the Germans as "The Christians' golden A B C of the praise, love, power, and use of the Word of God." 

Marjolein Bastin Art

And on another topic . . . I recommend the DVD The Star of Bethlehem."  Our Sunday School teacher recommended it a few years ago, and we purchased it. It is a documentary on "the star of Bethlehem" and is a presentation exploring the truth of Scripture and reveals the evidence for God's existence as seen in the stars above. It is fascinating to see.

Enrich: improve or enhance the quality or value of. God certainly does that! Have you thought of ways God has enriched your life?

By His Grace . . .

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