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Tuesday, January 9, 2024


This is the charm bracket I had made into a necklace in celebration of my 75 years of life which I spoke about in my last post. I will wear it all this year as a reminder and thank you to God for the gift of salvation He has given me and all the good things He continues to give to all those who live for Jesus. I also thank Him for the work He has given me to do for His glory, by His grace, as I live for Him. 

I was browsing through my list of things to write about and came across the following words below. I don’t remember where I read them or who wrote them, but with Valentine’s Day just a few weeks away, I decided this would be a good word to pass along.

As many of you know, girlfriends have been my lifeline all through my years. I have been helped in all situations of my life by their guidance, wisdom and cheer. Think of your girlfriends as you read the following:
"Years ago, I was at the beach with my family when I noticed a group of ladies nearby who appeared to be in their 50s. With a quick glance, I knew they were on a girls’ weekend. All the signs were there — coolers, beach bags with romance novels, straw hats, umbrellas in the sand — but most telling of all was their laughter. Lots and lots of laughter, the kind that draws attention and curiosity from anyone in earshot.

My friend, Karla Dornacher, created this piece, a magnet.
I always had a few available when I gave my note writing talks. 

"I loved watching these women enjoy each other’s company. Although they were older than me, and well past my season of life in having babies, I could imagine being in their shoes one day, basking in the glow of old friends who still made me feel young again.

"That afternoon, I saw two of them in the elevator. When I commented on how much fun they seemed to have, they smiled and nodded. One replied, 'Oh, we do have fun. We’ve kept this beach trip going for 20 years and have been through everything — divorce, death, cancer, unemployment. Don’t ever lose touch with your girlfriends, sweetheart. The older you get, the more you’ll need them.

"The conversation left an impression on me. While I’d always treasured my girlfriends, I’d never thought about needing them more with age. And if I’m being honest, it’s only been in the last year or so that I’ve taken their words to heart.

"Because now that I’m in my 40s, I’m seeing how real divorce, death, cancer, unemployment and other major life problems are. I understand what they meant when they emphasized the importance of girlfriends, as my age group faces hardships we couldn’t imagine when we were young and carefree."

Another piece of art my friend, Karla, created. With her permission
I created a Valentine card for my girlfriends with it one year.

Interesting words. Our girlfriends can't save us, for only God can do that, but girlfriends can help make a tragedy bearable. They can read our mind and emotions, intuitively recognize what needs to be done -- then do it. They can listen, empathize and show compassion. They can be used by God to comfort us and provide a timely shoulder to cry on.

Don't lose touch with your girlfriends. The older you get, the more you'll need them. Having great friends is largely a matter of being a great friend. 

My "Celebration of Friends" party! My special girlfriends
from elementary school up to that time in my life.

My friend, Kathy, recently reminded me of the party I had on my 50th birthday: a "Celebration of Friends" party to honor those girlfriends that have been with me through my life. It's one of the best things I have ever done.

We sang a special song that day (Sister's Keeper) because we share a special bond:

"It's not just accidental that our paths have crossed this way,
I believe Divine appointment has brought us here today.
We all need each other, and we all need a hand,
Together we can make it, together we will stand."

"I will be my sister's keeper, If you fall I'll lift you up,
While we walk this road together, He will keep us in His love."

Words and music by Twila McBridge LaBar and Anita Renfroe
Sung by: Kim Hopper

Remember your girlfriends. Valentine's Day will be here soon. A special note or call or card or text from a friend sharing your love and appreciation will not only make your girlfriends smile but will put a smile in your heart. 

Lang created a figurine of Molly and Kate which has special meaning for me.

Girlfriends. Yes, I love my girlfriends. God has made us unique. We need each other. Don't forget yours!

  By His Grace . . .

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