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Tuesday, February 13, 2024

A Special Love for Valentine's Day

Graphic created by my friend, Karla Dornacher, artist and author.

The following article was published in my church's newsletter in July, 2023. With Valentine's Day tomorrow, I just want to shine my love, my hope and my thanks to my God. He is Almighty . . . Yahweh . . . Everlasting . . . Father . . . Good Shepherd . . . Immanuel . . . King Eternal . . . Mighty One . . . Prince of Peace . . . Physician . . . Redeemer . . . Righteous One . . . the Rose of Sharon. Read and rejoice about the Glory of God.

What does the “Glory of God” mean to you? Does it mean His splendor, His greatness? His power?

God’s Glory means all of the above and so much more.  Scripture is full of verses that speak of God’s Glory. See 2 Corinthians 4:6, Ephesians 1:24, Hebrews 1:3.

No dictionary definition could do justice in trying to describe the word glory, when we refer to God’s Glory. No understanding that we may have could ever describe God’s Glory. It’s beyond our comprehension. It will take all eternity to fully understand and experience the wonder of God’s Glory.

We’re told Jesus is the radiance of God’s Glory and the exact representation of His Being. Everything we’ve learned and know about Jesus is exactly who our God is. Hebrews 1:3

God’s Glory has multiple meanings in Scripture. The display of His magnificence, the praise and honor showered upon His great Name, and awesome splendor.

God’s Glory is important because we see His power and majestic beauty. When we praise God it reminds us of how good He is.

One of the major displays of God’s Glory today is one not often discussed, or thought about. It is the work He does in ordinary people like you and me. When we remember the person we were before we were saved and recognize all God has done in us since that time, we can only shake our heads in wonderment. I sometimes say to myself, “Who am I?” when I think of all God has done in my life.

How do you take the One who is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, eternal, holy, glorious, and try to wrap all that glory into an answer? It is hard to do.

Why is His Glory so important? Seeing God’s Glory in the heavens and the earth points to how amazing and wonderful He is. We see His power and majestic beauty.

Moses wanted to see His Glory, but God put him in the cleft of the rock and covered him until He passed by. Today God’s presence dwells within us. As we surrender to the Holy Spirit, God’s Glory within will radiate to those around us.

And they were calling to one another: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of His Glory.’” Isaiah 6:3

By His Grace . . .

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