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Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Dew Drops

"I will be like the dew to Israel; he will blossom like a lily.
Like a cedar of Lebanon he will send down his roots."
Hosea 14:5

Dew. A word we don't think upon often or talk about. Dew might not be as flashy as rain or snow, but it quietly supports life in our natural world.

So, when I read the title "I Will Be Like The Dew" in the devotion book "Healing Water for the Soul" by Mrs. L. B. Cowman, it caused me to stop and consider. What did the Scripture verse mean?

The internet said: "Dew, those delicate beads of moisture that grace our mornings, might seem inconspicuous, but they play a vital role in our ecosystems. "

Yes, the dew of a fresh morning is a delight. You've noticed it if you've walked through a garden in the early morning. Fresh. Will God do that for us?

I got out my trusty commentaries and found these words:

From Clarke's Commentary on, observations of Lowth: "These verses contain gracious promises of God's favor and blessings upon Israel's conversion . . . if we consider all the beauty of the oriental lilies, the fragrance of the cedars . . . the beauteous appearance which the spreading olive trees afforded, the exhilarating coolness caused by the shade of such trees . . .what a glorious prophecy! . . . The promises are not for Israel; they are for all the people of God."

On it says: "The dew which comes from heaven is a great blessing of God, very refreshing and fruitful to the earth; and the Lord is that unto His people; it is not only the cause of quickening dead sinners, but of reviving, cheering, and refreshing the drooping spirits of His people; and its abundance, never fails, but always continues . . .and so He is in the blessings of His grace . .  in great abundance, cheering and exhilarating, as forgiveness of sin, a justifying righteousness. These are of God, and come down from heaven, seem little in themselves, but of great importance to the conversion of sinners, and comfort of saints; bring many blessings in them, and cause great joy and fruitfulness."

Well, I like the sound of that! 

Fresh, sweet dew. Another little thing God does for us that mostly goes unnoticed. Not thought about but means so much.

"And the refreshing dew from heaven that is so beautifully promised to revive Israel is equally God's promise to the Church, for we have already been showered with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms, in Christ. For we were called and chosen from the pit of sin, cleansed and clothed in His robe of righteousness, saved and redeemed, sanctified and glorified, in Christ Jesus, our Lord."

By His Grace . . .

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