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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Those Old Emotions

 “My faith is the same faith which is found in every believer. It has been increased little by little for the last 26 years. Many times when I could have gone insane from worry, I was at peace because my soul believed the truth of God’s promises. God’s Word, together with the whole character of God, as He has revealed Himself, settles all questions. His unchangeable love and His infinite wisdom calmed me . . . It is written, ‘He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things.'"
George Mueller, 1805-1898

My second baby fawn of the season! Mom and twin went fastly into the brush, but this explorer was about 25 yards away from them. Didn't know what to do so posed for me a few minutes and then slowly walked away. 

Recently I've let emotions, anxiousness and negative feelings get in the way of decisions. I've carried this habit all through my life. I'm sure some of you relate.

God made me extremely emotional. I'm the one that cries at any mention of emotions. 

A current devotion I read helped me make a decision that had become a burden because of the shadows of my emotions and negative feelings. Following are the words I read:

We let our emotions be the guide. In other words, we do what we want to do, and pride and feelings rule . . . God transcends our feelings, and when we elevate them above His wisdom, we are placing ourselves on the throne of our own heart—where only He belongs. Emotional guidance is a disastrous way to live . . . God’s prescription for our wisdom is to find His . . . He is deeply rooted in reality—the way things really are . . . His wisdom is everything our emotions are not . . . A believer who forsakes his or her own feelings for the much more reliable guidance of the eternal God has become wise . . . God created us for emotional fulfillment. But we are much more fulfilled when He fills us . . . 'We must walk by faith, not sight.'"  2nd Corinthians 5:7                                                                                                                                                              Chris Tiegreen, The One Year Devotional Walk With God, May 26th

Many of us are very familiar with"We live by faith, not by sight.”

Hoping to see more scenes like this one taken last year. 

Charles Spurgeon also shared words that same morning that relate. The Scripture verse he spoke on: “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you.” Psalm 55:22

“ . . . for the very essence of anxious care reveals the idea that we think we are wiser than God and are putting ourselves in His place to do for Him what He has promised to do for us . . . This obvious disobedience to His clear directive, this unbelief of His Word, and this presumptive intrusion upon His providence is all sinful . . . Someone who cannot calmly leave his cares and concerns in God’s hands, but carries his own burdens, is likely to be tempted to pursue sinful means to help himself . This sin will lead to forsaking God as his counselor and resorting instead of human wisdom . . . If through simple faith in His promises we will cast each burden upon Him as it comes to us and will ‘not be anxious about anything.’ Philippians 4:6, because He has promised to care for us . . . ‘You will keep in perfect peace Him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You.’ Isa. 26:3

There's a head and a tail I see!

Whatever God calls you to do, try and remember to stop letting your emotions and negative feelings be your guide. I'm going to try and remember that as new decisions arise in my life. In a recent Bible study, the teacher spoke words that she uses every day: "Jesus, help me!" And He will! Definitely worth remembering!

I also try and remember this quote that I read a long time ago. "God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called." So if He has called you, He will equip you!

By His Grace . . .

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