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Tuesday, June 7, 2022

For Thee

"John Q. Citizen will never be convinced about the credibility of the Christian faith until he becomes personally acquainted with someone who lives out the Christian life."
Erwin Lutzer, 1941 - 

Queen Anne Lace is dotting the byways of PA with its lovely white flowers and its greenery.

One of the reasons I enjoy reading through a hymnal is reading inspiring words from hymns I'm unfamiliar with. In my 40+ years as a Christian, I know many hymns in the hymnal, but there's many I don't know.

The other morning, I read the following two hymns and I had to stop and consider the words.They are a reminder of what we, as Christians, are here for on this earth. 

We are the example many people will see of our faith and our Lord. Am I a good imitation of my Lord?Am I praying for someone who hasn't found Jesus? Consider the words of these two hymns as they apply to your own life.

"Do not underestimate the role you may play in clearing the obstacles in someone's spiritual journey."
Ravi Zacharias, 1946-2020

Let Others See Jesus in You
"While passing through this world of sin, And others your life shall view,
Be clean and pure without, within, Let others see Jesus in you.

"Your life's a book before their eyes, They're reading it through and through;
Say, does it point them to the skies, Do others see Jesus in you?

"What joy 'twill be at set of sun, In mansions beyond the blue,
To find some souls that you have won; Let others see Jesus in you.

"Then live for Christ both day and night, Be faithful, be brave, and true,
And lead the lost to life and light; Let others see Jesus in you."

"Let others see Jesus in you
Let others see Jesus in you;
Keep telling the story, be faith and true,
Let others see Jesus in you"

B. B. Mckinney, 1886-1952

Peonies and Queen Anne Lace

"The life-saving strategy of Jesus is based on ordinary people showing and telling about Him in ordinary places."
"Ron Hutchcraft, 1971- 

Lord, Lay Some Soul Upon My Heart
"Lord. lay some soul upon my heart, And love that soul thru' me;
An may I bravely do my part To win that soul for Thee.

Lord, lead me to some soul in sin, And grant that I may be
Imbued with pow'r and love to win That soul, dear Lord, for Thee.

"To win that soul for Thee alone Will be my constant prayer;
That when I've reached my heav'nly home I'll meet that dear one there."

"Some soul for Thee, some soul for Thee.
This is my earnest plea;
Help me each day, on life's highway
To win some soul for Thee."

Anonymous verse 1
Mack Weaver, verse 2, 3
B. B. Mckinney, 1886-1952 

You can see a few Queen Anne Lace to the right with the joy of wildflowers!

"The changed life of a Christian is the only way that most unbelieving people will encounter Christianity."
Elmer Towns, 1932 - 

By His Grace . . . 

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