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Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Is This Me?

"God is so faithful to speak to us, through His Word and the words of others. As you read a book or listen to a radio program, your pastor, a Bible study teacher, an inspirational speaker, or to tapes, open your eyes and ears to listen for the still, small voice of God, giving you new insights, directions, corrections, and encouragement. Let God use the gifts and ministries of others to be your mentor when you most need them."
Betty Southard, The Mentor Quest, 2002

Peonies are one of my favorite flowers and they are in bloom now in NW PA. These snaps were taken from my garden, and gardens near home in MD.

"The highest earthly enjoyments are but a shadow of the joy I find in reading God's Word."
Lady Jane Grey, 1537-1554

I have to admit, when I read the above quote, I want it to be me.I certainly love God's Word--reading it, hearing it, and reading resources from other people who share God's Word. But do earthly pleasures overshadow it?

Lady Jane Gray lives in infamy well known as the nine-day queen, who was executed and replaced by her cousin. She was one of the most learned women of her time. Her name may be famous, but I like the words she said about reading God's Word.

What do I enjoy? Do I enjoy it more than reading God's Word? Do I enjoy photography more than reading God's Word? Do I enjoy creating on the computer more than I do reading God's Word? Do I enjoy sitting in my backyard listening to all nature more than I do reading God's Word?

I do love taking pictures! God's creatures and creation are awesome and capturing a scene in a serendipity moment is a thrill. Creating on the computer making note cards from pictures I take! Most everything I write falls under God's umbrella of all things to encourage others.

I do love doing all these things, and more . . . but nothing thrills my soul more than reading and hearing God's Word. I do believe I am in agreement with Lady Jane Grey. The centuries may come and go, but God's Word will always live.

Yes, this is me! God's Word encourages, inspires, calms, heals, comforts, teaches, and He speaks directly to me. A personal book just to me. His Words help me. And they can do that for you. What is your highest earthly enjoyment? I hope it is God's Word.

By His Grace . . .

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