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Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Powerful Words

"Words are not just letters strung together. Words are the incarnation of emotions and the stimulators of emotions. A word can be a balm or a bomb. A positive word makes you feel good. A negative word leaves you feeling depressed and defeated. Words release energy. A single word can turn you on, or it can turn you off. A negative word can defuse your enthusiasm for a project. A positive word releases positive energy and becomes a creative force."
Robert Harold Schuller, 1926-2015

Spring brings new life, new hope and cute baby animals!

I love reading words by faithful men and women. I keep journals of quotes that encourage and inspire my heart. Paper and pen are beside me whenever I read so I can jot down words that cause me to ponder.

One quote that stays in my mind was written by George MacDonald. MacDonald was a Scottish author, poet and Christian minister. MacDonald wrote several works of Christian theology, including several collections of sermons.
Standing in the buttercups!
I was recently reminded of this quote and want to share it with you now. They are powerful words.

"Few are needed to do the out-of-the-way tasks which startle the world, and one may be most useful just doing common place duties, and leaving the issue with God. And when it is all over, and our feet will run no more, and our hands are helpless, and we have scarcely strength to murmur a last prayer, then we shall see that, instead of needing a larger field, we have left untilled many corners of our single acre, and that none of it is fit for our Master's eye were it not for the softening shadow of the cross."  George MacDonald 

 Seconds after I took this snap mom went down over the gosling.
We all want to do our best for our Lord and we all fall short. Our eyes need to focus on everyday happenings and close associations.  Many of us have a single acre that needs tending. Those words are powerful!


"Little keys can open big locks. Simple words can express great thought."
William Arthur Adams, 1838-1882

By His Grace . . . 

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