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Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Big or Small It All Matters

"Spiritual gifts are bestowed upon believers according to the purposes of God and distributed by the sovereign wisdom of God. Our spiritual gifts never belong to us, they're an expression of the Holy Spirit doing the Father's will."
Henry and Mel Blackaby

A post from July 2010 . . .

When I would give my “Note Writing” talks, I’d share a story about a little hearts-ease. I didn’t know what a hearts-ease was when I first read the story so I looked it up in the dictionary. I found out that it is a variety of violets and pansies, especially Johnny Jump-Ups. It also means peace of mind and tranquility.

Some little hearts-ease.

The story is found in “Streams in the Desert” Volume 1, compiled by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman. An older women who I sat next to in choir many years ago gave me a copy of the book. Jeanne has now passed along, but this little book she gave me has stayed with me 40 years.

The story is about a "King who went into his gardens and found every tree and flower sick of life and discouraged because they couldn’t be someone else. That is until he came across a hearts-ease. He found it’s bright face lifted as cheery as ever and asked it why. The hearts-ease told the king, 'No, I am not of much account, but I thought that if you wanted an oak, or a pine, or a peach tree, or a lilac, you would have planted one; but as I knew you wanted a hearts-ease, I am determined to be the best little hearts-ease that I can.'”

What a happy yard!

I like that story. I know many times I’ve complained that I couldn’t be like someone else who, in my eyes, has it all together and is recognized for the gifts that they have. Yet, I know, we all have our own gifts and they are all important in God’s mind.

"Our gifts and talents are the things people celebrate about us, but we find to be no big deal, because the ability comes naturally to us. That is why it is called a gift."
Michelle McKinney Hammond

I was reminded of this again after reading the June 21 devotion in the same book. Here’s an excerpt from it: “If your place in God’s ranks is a hidden and secluded one, beloved, do not murmur, do not complain, do not seek to get out of God’s will if He has placed you there . . . The day will come when Jesus will give the rewards, and He makes no mistakes, although some people may wonder how you came to merit such a reward, as they had never heard of you before.”

And that’s the way it should be. The only one who needs to know what you are doing is the Lord Himself. We are called to be faithful, whether our service is big or small. So I’ll just go on doing what God has called me to do and you do the same. Thank Him for the gift(s) He’s given to you and be faithful for His Kingdom. Big or small, when we work for our Lord it's all BIG in His eyes!

I'm hoping to start seeing babies soon. 

"Whether your gift is mighty or humble, whether you exercise it in the marketplace or at the podium . . . your main task or gift or ministry is to be a light in a dark world."
Gigi Graham Tchividjian

By His Grace . . .

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