"God particularly pours out His blessings upon those who know how much they need Him."
The biggest and most important blessing is my faith in God. It's been over 40 years now since I was saved, and I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. If not for this, my life would have held none of the joy and encouragement I've been blessed to receive.
Jerry, my husband, must come next. For 34 years we've shared our lives and grown together. He is a kind, caring and helpful man.
My bouquet of friends is full of loving, caring and encouraging people. It is my friends who have been with me though all times of my life, helping me, laughing with me, crying with me and influencing me. I've had a full bouquet in which I am thankful.

My health has been good most of my life. I am now five years cancer free, and I'm thankful to have reached the age of 70 and still able to get around well.
I am most thankful for the gifts my Lord has given me in which to serve Him. Writing encourages my heart and through note writing and writing for my blog, I've been able to share His love with countless people.
I'm also thankful for the gift of photography that I've used to bring joy to others. What a thrill it is to capture a scene from God's creation and share it with others.
A favorite snap!
I'm thankful for my sister, Kathy, and her husband, David, who has helped me many times. Although far away, they are very close in heart. 

I'm thankful for a handful of men I've sat under as they taught and encouraged from the pulpit. My home church pastor, Robert Crowley, who is now with the Lord, taught me, a new Christian, how to be a Christian and live for Christ. Other men that touched my heart: two men I worked for at the Baptist Convention: Aubrey Stewart and Tom Stolle; my pastor in MD at Mt. Airy Baptist Church, Mike Trammell, and my present pastor, Jim Fillhart. I have, indeed, been blessed.
The skills God gave me made it possible to work in jobs I enjoyed and able to support myself as a single parent. The local telephone company provided for me 21 years, and the Baptist Convention of MD/DE provided for me 16 years. There were a few shorter jobs, but these two companies made it possible for me to support myself.
Celebrating retirement!
I've enjoyed a number of dogs through the years that always gave me love and happiness. Abby and Jo are still with me.
This is Sam and we were sharing a good laugh together!
Although my family is very small in number, I'm thankful God always provided a friend to share life with. I don't know what a big, happy family is like, but I do know what a big happy bouquet of friends are like.
I'm thankful for memories. Good memories. Happy memories. Funny memories.
A favorite job and first check for a published article.
I'm thankful God made me able to sleep well. Most of my life, sleep comes five minutes after I lay down. That is a true blessing.
I'm thankful for the Hope I've received in knowing God. As one of my favorite verses says: "But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more." Psalm 71:14
I'm thankful for the life verse God gave me to serve Him: " . . . he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Proverbs 11:25
One of my posters when I talked about note writing.
I'm thankful for all that I've learned through all the trials and burdens in my life. None of them were easy, but God was always with me, and I'm thankful I had Him to turn to, to carry me through.
I have much to be thankful for. I encourage you, as this year comes to an end, to think about your blessings and what you are most thankful for. We may live in perilous times, but our Anchor holds! Thank you, Father!
May silent thanks at least to God be given with a full heart. Our thoughts are heard in heaven."
William Wordsworth (1770-1830)