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Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Words to Ponder

I'm a big fan of words that other people have written through the years. I have journals filled with quotes that I relate to and believe. Good words. Thoughts to ponder.

I remember about 10 years ago how excited I felt when I was able to purchase "Draper's Book of Quotations for the Christian World." It was a hefty $80, a sum I don't usually spend for a book. I had been introduced to it when I began writing and hoped one day I could afford it.

I enjoyed seeing this tree with the stairs. I hope there's a lovely place to sit up there.

Many of my devotion books also provide quotes I write down and ponder, as well as a few fiction books. It kind of gives me a connection to people in all centuries when I can relate to and say amen to their words.

This post shares a few quotes I've enjoyed:

"I'm sorry for men who do not read the Bible every day. I wonder why they deprive themselves of the strength and the pleasure." Woodrow Wilson, 1856-1924

"If I can put one thought of rosy sunset into the life of any man or woman, I shall feel that I have worked with God." George MacDonald, 1824-1905

"It's the noise of civilization that disturbs and grates on the nerves. Nature's noises refresh and relax me . . . the rustle of the wind in the tops of the trees or the roar of it across the ridge behind the house. The chirping of a cricket or the orchestration of Katydids from midsummer until frost. The full moon rising, huge and silent, the unexpected stillness . . . on such evenings or with Bill when he is home, we sit quietly talking or just listening to plenty of nothin." Ruth Bell Graham

"Laughter is the most beautiful and beneficial therapy God ever granted humanity." Charles R. Swindoll, 1934 -

"Hope -- the fragile, gentle whispering, tough, enduring, awesome stuff dreams are made of -- is the gift of God to every fainting heart." Gloria Gaither

"On your knees you are taller than trees." unknown

"Prescription for a happier and healthier life: resolve to slow your pace; learn to say no gracefully; resist the temptation to chase after more pleasures, hobbies and more social entanglements; then 'hold the line' with the tenacity of a tackle for a professional football team." James C. Dobson, 1936 -

"John Bunyan was once asked a question about heaven which he could not answer because the matter was not revealed in the Scriptures. He advised the inquirer to live a holy life, then go and see." unknown

"Life is much simpler once we understand the important of realizing there are things we simply have no power to change. When you are able to let go and let God be God, you'll find your life becoming less stressful." Joyce Meyer, 1943 -

"And I can live my life on earth contented to the end, if but a few shall know my worth and proudly call me friend." Edgar A. Guest

"The very men who, in the pride of their investigations into the secrets of the internal world, turn a look of scorn upon the Christian system of belief, are not aware how much of the peace and order of society, how much the happiness of households, and the purest of those who are the dearest to them, are owing to the influence of that religion extending beyond their sphere . . . In my view, the life, the teachings, the labors, and the sufferings of the blessed Jesus, there can be no admiration too profound, no love of which the human heart is capable too warm, no gratitude too earnest and deep of which He is justly the object." William Cullen Bryant, 1794-1878

"I long to accomplish a great and noble task but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble." Helen Keller, 1880-1968

"I have come to realize, that the radiance of the rose and the whiteness of the lily do not take away the fragrance of the little violets or the delightful simplicity of the daisy. Perfection consists in being what God wants us to be." Th'er'ese of Lisieux, 1873-1897

"Practice the art of aloneness and you will discover the treasure of tranquility. Develop the art of solitude and you will unearth the gift of serenity." William Arthur Ward, 1812-1882

"I have no rest, but in a nook, with THE Book." Thomas a Kempis

"Every calling is great when greatly pursued." Oliver Wendall Holmes, 1809-1894

Ever since I began writing down the words and thoughts of others, from present time through the ages, I have a treasure of encouragement that helps me know I am not alone and I can stand strong in my faith. As Lynn Morrissey: "The insights of fellow spiritual pilgrims help me apply God's Truth to my own life in a relevant and meaningful way."

You may not like to journal your everyday thoughts and actions, but writing down the words of others that inspire and encourage you is very satisfying. It certainly is for me!


Below, a favorite snap of mine! Sam's bucket in the golden leaves. It had been through war! Sure miss old Sam!

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