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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Lowliest Gift

"Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people."
Colossians 3:23

Many of us are familiar with and probably have a copy of Oswald Chambers' book My Utmost for His Highest. It is a beloved devotion book read by millions. The captivating words of wisdom have challenged and inspired readers for more than 80 years. The title of this book was taken from a thought in one of his sermons: "Shut out every consideration and keep yourself before God for this one thing only--My Utmost for His Highest."

What you may not know is that his wife, Gertrude Chambers,           
used the gift God gave her to compile the book: stenography.
She was an expert at shorthand and when her husband spoke,
she recorded the words.

After Oswald's death, Gertrude spent years transcribing her
husband's words, and the culmination of her hard work was
the 365 entries in this book. "Imagine what she learned along
the way, poring over her husband's thoughts and words about
the God they both loved."*

As I've mentioned before, I never wanted to be anything but a secretary. Not a highly admired position. But I made a career out of it and many other fields of service evolved from that gift of administration.

Without the skill of administration and secretarial work, the writing of notes in my life may never had materialized. "When Gertrude learned shorthand, she didn't know how God would use her skills later in life. None of us knows how God will use our skills or talents. 

"Maybe your best skills seem like things God can't use, but you never know what He has planned. As you go through your days, doing the things that you're good at, take encouragement in knowing that at any moment God could use your abilities to achiever His purposes." *

No gift is so low that it can't achieve good for God's glory. Be encouraged by Gertrude Chambers, who by using her gift of shorthand, compiled a book of her husband's words that have touched millions through the ages.

"Let none hear you idly saying, 'There is nothing I can do,'
While the lost of earth are dying, And the Master calls for you;
Take the task He gives you gladly; Let His work your pleasure ;
Answer quickly when He calls you, 'Here am I, send me, send me.'"
"Hark, the Voice of Jesus Calling," verse 3,Daniel March, 1816-1909

* The One Year Women in Christian History devotional by Randy Peterson and Robin Shreeves

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