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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Solid Foundation

I found this on the Facebook page of "Peaceful Moments for Women."  

"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read at all."
Mark Twain (1835-1910)

An early PS: After writing this post it dawned on me that I write about these topics a lot. I was going to delete the post, but then decided it encouraged me so here it is.

Cliff Barrows, from the Billy Graham team, when asked: What are some practical ways to discipline and guard our minds? replied:

"Develop a love for good music, good books and great friendships. When you meditate on God's Word or read about the lives of great believers and missionaries, you guard your mind. You see what God did in their lives as they were given to the Lord in study and experience. 

"Develop good friendships. These friendships include older people who mentor you and people your own age who can walk the Christian life with you. 

"Listen to good music. Learn the hymns because biblical principles will be ingrained in your heart and your mind as you keep going over them. If you put these things together, God will use them to help you to grow in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Good books. There are no shortage of books to read, but make sure you're filling your mind with books that inspire, encourage, teach and convict. Fiction stories are fine. I love fiction stories. But there must be a balance so you keep your mind growing and learning.

When we married Jerry was not a reader. But through the years, even though he struggled with reading, he conquered the ability to read. Reading is now one of his favorite things to do.

Friendships. You know how I feel about friendships. I recently read this poem in one of my journals:

"You are the friend who calms my spirit, Your voice brings me joy each time I hear it.
You delight in my triumphs and share in my sorrows, You bring back the joy that misery borrows.
Whether together or miles apart, You are the friend I hold in my heart."

I hope you have a few friends like this poem describes.  Both older and the same age friends like Barrows describes. And, yes, some younger friends. If you're living a good life for Christ, younger friends can see and learn from your example. And remember your best friend, Jesus:

"The dearest friend on earth is a mere shadow compared with Jesus Christ."
Oswald Chambers (1874-1917)

Music. Again, there are no shortage of songs to listen too. You want songs that enrich your life and encourage you. Hymns should be in your collection. The praise hymns of today are meaningful and inspiring, but hymns of old provide biblical principles as Barrows said.

You know how easy it is to have a tune and words settle in your mind and you can't stop singing them. If you fill your mind with hymns you will always have God's story in your mind. They may be old, but definitely not expired.

"A few songs with Him might change the way you sing. Forever."
Max Lucado, (1955-  )

So consider your life and choose good books, good friendships and good music


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