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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

A "Refreshing" Gift

"The greatest thing a man can do for his heavenly Father is to be kind to some of his other children."
Henry Drummond, 1851-1897

 I love bows! Big, fluffy beautiful bows! A few years ago I purchased three large bows from Etsy, and I place them around the Christmas decorations I put out each year. They just make me smile.

Rereading some of my earlier Christmas posts, I decided this one at Christmas 2013 needed to be shared. I've been in the shoes of those who need encouraging at Christmas. Consider what you can do to bring joy to another at this time.

"He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Proverbs 11:25 This proverb has returned to me over and over again. As my friend, Carol, said: "It always brings me joy to brighten someone's day." Think on these words as you consider what you can do as you read through this post.

As you go through this week and into Christmas week, whether you are excited about the coming Christmas celebrations or hurting and discouraged about the festivities to come, look around and you will see someone whose heart needs encouraging. There are always people who are hurting at this season of the year.

The bows are actually tree toppers with four long strands of ribbon to wrap around a tree.

Bring with you an extra baked treat, your smile, or an invitation to Christmas Eve festivities or Christmas dinner. Even a small inexpensive gift, wrapped beautifully will delight a hurting someone.

Below is how I used this lovely bow this year!

Can you recall a time when you were hurting and discouraged, and someone came up to you and offered cheer? I sure do! And it was that invitation to Christmas dinner, and that invitation to attend Christmas Eve services, and that delicious homemade treat that helped me through hard Christmases.

Even with a house full of family, inviting that one person who needs encouraging to share it with you will make a difference. I thank many a friend who included me in special occasions to lift my heart.

The heart of Christmas is giving, and the most perfect gift is Jesus. He comes in many forms, and is always perfect. Your hands are His to share! Give Him to another.

I've always wore gloves during the winter months, but a few weeks ago I lost one of my gloves. I saw these mittens sitting in my winter scarf bag and decided to try them out. They were a lovely gift from someone. I love them! I think I just became a mitten girl.

Look around you this year, at coworkers, neighbors, friends; check out workers at your favorite store, and give that special touch to light the heart of someone.

There was a lovely full moon a few nights ago. I let the girls out for their nightly walk and loved the display! I'm not a nighttime photographer, but I do like the way this came out.

As I've encouraged you to give that special touch, I'll be doing the same thing this week to those who need a touch of God's encouragement. And while you're at it, how about a special note, or a friendly word to your pastor who stands before you every week and teaches God's Word. Each Sunday I'm filled with God's truth, knowing my pastor has studied and prayed about the message he brings.

Turn up your Christmas music, write that encouraging note, bake that delicious treat, make that cheerful telephone call, and make Christmas a happier time for someone else. You have the best gift of all in your heart. Share it with someone with a smile!

"Life is made up, not of great sacrifices or duties, but of little things, in which smiles and kindness and small obligations win and preserve the heart."
Humphrey Davy, 1778-1829

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