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Monday, October 4, 2010

Amish Proverbs

I recently purchased the book “Amish Proverbs” by Suzanne Woods Fisher. The Amish life has always interested me, and I thought reading the proverbs from the Amish community would be telling. I’ve listed some of my favorites below:

Every mother crow thinks her own little crow is blackest.”

Choose your love and love your choice.”

Adopt the pace of nature; her secret is patience.”

One thing you can learn by watching the clock is that it passes time by keeping its hands busy.”

A task takes as long as it takes.”

Nothing is all wrong; even a clock that has stopped running is right twice a day.”

Remember, when you talk, you only repeat what you already know; if you listen, you might learn something.”

We always admire the other fellow more after we have tried to do his job.”

Those who let God provide will always be satisfied.”

Standing your ground is easier when you are grounded in God’s word.”

Good deeds have echoes.”

Every hen will lay an imperfect egg now and then.”

Nothing is quite so annoying as to have someone go right on talking when you are interrupting.”

I especially laughed at the first quote and the last. And there really isn’t “anything new under the sun,” so listening is indeed a worthy habit.

The rain and dark mornings have limited my picture taking opportunities each day, so I’m sharing one of my favorite pictures, above. Sammy was still a puppy. She wanted to be on the other side of that gate so badly.

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