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Friday, October 8, 2010

Taming Thoughts . . .

No! No! No! Get out of my mind! Jesus is in control, not you, Satan!” I’ve certainly had my share of thoughts that crippled me. Thoughts mostly of heartbreaking things that I have no control over. Early on in my years, I started a practice of shouting at Satan and reminding him that I belong to the King.

This practice has been fine-tuned over the years. What use to take months to stop dwelling on something, now only take me a few weeks before it’s under control. And it usually only takes me a few days to remind myself to begin the process to stop those bad thoughts.

In Diamonds in the Dust by Joni Eareckson Tada, one of her devotions is titled “The Thought Patrol.” And this is just what she’s talking about. “When I catch myself, I’m aghast at how many lazy, anxious, or lustful imaginations wheedle their way into my head. When they do, the “thought patrol” goes on alert . . .”

2 Corinthians 10:5 says it is possible for every thought to be made obedient, to become captive to Christ. The “thought patrol” that Joni speaks of is just another name for the Holy Spirit. “The only way you can exercise power over your thought life is to do so in the power of God’s Spirit,” Joni said.

Remember, when those thoughts just won’t get out of your head, attack them with the power of the Holy Spirit. Then think on good things, and you will have peace.

The above picture was taken one evening at a friend's home. Her husband walked past the patio with a bucket in his hand. As he continued his walk up the drive to the barn, cats started coming out of everywhere to follow him. I started laughing and my friend, Jackie, said, "He's going to feed the cats. This happens every evening." By the time I got a snap off he was up the hill aways. I cropped the picture so it would take in the fence and wheel, so you can't see many cats. But there was at least 20 following him to dinner. The picture below closes in on more of the cats.

1 comment:

  1. Taking every thought captive. I love that verse. If only I could manage it 24/7. I like to flick the Enemy off my shoulder. No words. But effective.


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