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Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Recently I was off work a few days, and one of my desires was to visit three ladies that I’ve been writing. One of the ladies had been in my SS class for a season. Another lady I’d seen only twice in morning worship, and one lady I’d never met.

Mrs. Brown is an older saint and isn’t able physically to attend church anymore. For the short time I had to enjoy her presence in SS, I came to admire her. It was a joy to sit with her a spell and, again, enjoy the saintly countenance of her presence. There’s just something special about being with one who has walked with God for many a year. I think of words such as satisfied, restful and serene.

It was a delightful country lane that took me to my second visit. Radean has multiple sclerosis. I’d only seen her twice before, and began writing her about two years ago. What a fun time we had! I discovered we grew up in the same general area, and her brother attended the same high school as me, possibly the same year. I’ll have to find my yearbook! She was comforting to talk with, and I hope we’ll get together again.

I met Janet at a coffee shop in Mt. Airy. This new friend has been fighting cancer for a number of years, but you couldn’t tell it. This lady was alive, focused and exuberant! As one who encourages others, she encouraged me! God has filled her with His work, as she goes around cheering the hearts of others struggling with cancer. I was transfixed for two hours as she shared her story and the things God has done through her. I look forward to being with her again.

I consider it a great privilege to have sat down with these three ladies as we shared our lives. Moments like these are what memories are made of. My vacation days were well spent . . . and I look forward to the time when I can make visits like these more frequently.

After writing encouraging notes for many years now, I know God will provide the words He wants me to share. This ministry has been a healing balm for me, as many times I suffered from heartache to headache when I’ve sat down to write. There is something much stronger that drives me to write, for it is what God has called me to do. His power goes before me. Yes, I am satisfied.

The picture above and below of this fine colt were snapped near Littlestown, PA. Jerry and I had just enjoyed a delicious lunch at one of our favorite restaurants, Hillcrest, and we took a different route home. (Actually the route would take us closer to a favorite ice cream store for a double dip chocolate cone!) I enjoyed taking a few snaps, although this colt wasn’t happy I was there. I still managed to bring away some pictures to enjoy, though.

1 comment:

  1. I love your colt photos. Even though you say that the colt wasn't pleased with your presence, it does not reflect in the photo. Personally I think he said, "hey mom, who is that pretty lady taking our picture?" Which is when she turned and said, "ah, that is the Noteworthy minister who blesses folks with a word of cheer."


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