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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Because of Jerry . . .

At least he says so. All summer I’ve tried to get the elusive Great Blue Heron, and I finally captured him. I see him most mornings when I drive a particular country lane, and I had only been able to get one decent snap of him.

Saturday, Jerry and I were coming home from a visit with my Mom, and Jerry chose the country lane. It has a nice little stream that runs beside it, is a refreshing drive, and it’s where I captured newborn lambs earlier in the season.

I wasn’t looking for Mr. Heron but spotted him on our drive through. I grabbed my camera and Jerry stopped the truck and backed up, unrolling my window at the same time. I only got two snaps off before Mr. Heron was gone again. But it only takes one . . . and this time I got him!

I guess I’ll have to give Jerry some credit in this capture. I couldn’t find the window button because I was rushing to be ready with the camera. Jerry saved the day when he unrolled the window without me even saying anything. I guess I’ll keep him a while longer. At least until December. That’s when we celebrate our 25th! Ah . . . I think I'll keep him another 25 too!

It can happen at anytime. That one snap that makes the difference. My commute to work keeps getting longer as I find more country lanes to travel. What a way to go!

The bird below was enjoying an afternoon bath!

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