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Tuesday, December 10, 2024

One Life


"The testimony of one life lived for Christ is powerful! One life cleansed through faith in the blood of Jesus. One life that confesses, 'Jesus is Lord.' One life that has the courage to stand for godly convictions in the midst of moral compromise. One life that tells the truth. One life that lives the truth. One life that lifts high the Light! You can be that one life!" Anne Graham Lott, The Joy of My Heart

Are you that one life? The one who stands for Christ? The one who sings His praises? The one who studies His Word? The one who seeks the lost? The one who believes completely? The one who has that deep-settled confidence that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world?

I want to me that one life! I want to shine bright for Christ so others can see His glory by what I do. I fail miserably. Yet, just knowing it is obtainable and having the desire to do it, even when I fail, keeps me pressing on.

This month as we celebrate His birth and focus our attention on all He has done for us, remember you are one who believes and let it shine within your life. 

Any good we do to reach the heart of another is acceptable to God. Think of that friend you haven't heard from and give her a call. Do you have a friend going through a difficult time? Write a note or drop off a homemade treat. Visit an elderly neighbor who may be all alone with no family to reach out too. 

You are one life. Your one life can make a difference. Even if you are hurting this Christmas season, your heart will be encouraged if you'll reach out to someone else to encourage them.

Be that one life! Shine for Jesus! Tell the world He is your Savior, and you are celebrating Him. Bring joy to your heart and others as we walk through this Christmas season. 

By His Grace . . .

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