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Tuesday, December 17, 2024

How is Your "Wonder"?

 "Those who live at the ends of the earth stand in awe of your wonders. 
From where the sun rises to where it sets, you inspire shouts of joy." 
Psalm 65:8

Little children are full of awe and wonder. It's a joy to watch them in their excitement of the simplest of things like blowing a dandelion into the wind or jumping for joy over snowflakes twirling in the snow.

Our wonder sometimes gets lost in the busyness and work of life. I like what Cheri wrote on, I believe,  the God of Wonder Facebook page: "Many of us adults, however, have lost our sense of wonder and awe. This is why we are given psalms which describes God's absolute power and creative miracles. These psalms draw us out of our ho-hum, busy existence, back to a childlike wonder of our great God, the God who fills the sky with clouds, gives His orders to the world, sends the snow like white wool, and hurls the hail like stones. Who treated everything and possesses all power and yet cares for the weak and brokenhearted. Who reigns over every nation and galaxy and yet delights in the simple, heartfelt devotion of those who trust Him. He is a God whose understanding is beyond human comprehension. Surely a God like this can inspire our wonder and awe."

It is true. The psalms remind us of all God is and all He does. What a great reminder!

In George Beverly Shea's book, "How Sweet the Sound," he tells a story about a man he met on a passenger ship. The man was the president of a New York publishing company. They began talking about a crusade that was happening in England and the man asked, "What goes on?" Shea wrote: "I mentioned the necessary weeks of preparation for each event and the beautiful volunteer choir led by Cliff Barrows. Then I began to speak of the message of God's love extended to everyone, and so eloquently expressed by the gracious southern gentleman, Billy Graham . . . I found myself quickly adding, 'Oh sir, if you could see it, the wonder of it all!' The man pulled out an envelope and wrote something in large letters. He flashed in front of me these words: 'The Wonder of It All.'" And that's how that lovely song came to be.

Revive your awe and wonder as we continue celebrating the birth of Christ and look forward to the joy before us from a loving God. 

"O the wonder of it all! The wonder of it all!
Just to think that God loves me.
O the wonder of it all! The wonder of it all! 
Just to think that god loves me."

By His Grace . . .

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