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Tuesday, December 31, 2024

I Journaled Through 2024

"In a very real sense, the writer writes in order to teach [herself]."
Alfred Kazin, 1915-1998

This year I have been writing in a journal for my 75th year of life, and I'm almost done. There are just a few line spaces on a few pages that need to be filled in. I'm so glad I decided to do this.

Most of the writings are quotes that I've read, Scripture that I treasure and hymns that I love to sing. It is a very special accomplishment, hand-written throughout. All those words that encouragement me, inspire me and bring hope to my heart.

I purchased the journal from my friend, Karla Dornacher, who I've had the pleasure of meeting. Karla also wrote the Forward in my note writing book. I've been encouraged by her writing and art and have a number of the books she created. Her journal had my favorite word on the front: HOPE. It was the perfect cover for my 75-year journal.


The first page was dedicated to my 75th birthday and worshipped God through the beautiful words of "Worthy of Worship."

I went through my devotion books to find quotes that I highlighted so I could write them in this journal. Words that have a special meaning to me and encourage and inspire me. All my favorites in one book.

I did the same thing with my Bible. I went through it and stopped at verses I highlighted and added them to the journal. Verses that have helped me during difficult times; verses that make me smile.

I looked through my hymnal to find hymns that had special meaning, that worshipped God, praised God and told me my God loves me. 

I even put some pictures in that had felt like me through my life. I always liked this girl that kept saying she is fine.

A labor of love. A purpose to fulfill. A year of HOPE. And here I am the last day of 2024. I will cherish this project that I dedicated myself to complete. I wanted to celebrate this year that God gave me. Afterall, you only turn 75 once in your lifetime. 

By His Grace . . .

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