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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Baby Leaves to the Rescue


Following is an article (abbreviated) that I wrote that was published in Woman's Touch magazine back in the early 2000's. Many of you have read it before. It's about the hope God gave me when I was out of hope. It's about baby leaves. 

"The blistering wind hit my face as I opened the door. Winter was here. 'Come on, Sparkie,' I said. 'You have to go for a walk.'

"Sparkie, our 11-year-old dog, slowly walked through the door. 'Do we have to go out in this weather?' his eyes pleaded. That's how I felt too.

"The wind slapped my face and tears dropped from my eyes. 'Its been a difficult year, Lord,' I thought. Winter has harbored in my heart leaving me cold and dead, just like the trees. My eyes traveled around the yard taking in the bleak appearance. Problems had multiplied and left me drained of all my strength. 

"Again, I noticed the trees. Once full of foliage, they now stood bare before me. And the remains of our productive garden now showed hard, cracked earth. 'Even the geese took a detour on their way home,' 
I told the wind.

"Yes, the year had left stains, and the ache in my heart hurt. 'I know I should be thankful, Lord,' I whispered. 

"'Hurry Sparkie,' I yelled. 'I want to get back inside.'

"My eyes fixed on the maple tree behind our house. Stripped of all its colorful clothing, it looked dead. Just like my heart, I thought. And then, I remembered the baby leaves.

"Last February, I began watching the buds develop on the maple tree. I couldn't remember ever taking the time to watch leaves grow, and decided I'd see firsthand how God gave them birth.

"Sparkie and I would stop every evening on our walk to look for any development. It was a slow beginning, but finally--one day in April--the buds opened.

"Long, tentacles reached out, as many as 10 or 15 from each bud, as I remember. At the end of the tentacles were blossoms and at their base were leaves. The leaves were bound together, just like the cold buds had been. As the weather warmed, they began to unfold,

"My heart tingled with excitement when the leaves began to open. My husband, Jerry, was at the garden, and I remember yelling excitedly to him, 'Come quick! the leaves are opening.'

"Half-inch baby leaves, perfectly shaped, stretched their little frames for all the earth to see. 

"In one week, some leaves had grown to 3 inches in length. My eyes couldn't believe the transformation. As the leaves grew, the blossoms were blown to the ground. I walked on yellow drops of sun splattered all over the place. I had witnessed the birth of one of God's creations.

"The cry of a lone bird brought me back to the present. Chilled, I headed back to the house, shivering. But my heart was no longer cold.

"You see, it's February now--just the time I began watching the frozen buds last year. When everything looked dead, and no life was visible. God was working. And now I knew God was working in me. 

"It's been a long year, but I know my heart will feel the warmth of God's love again. Why, in just a couple of months, He'll bring me baby leaves.

"'Come on, Sparkie,' I said. 'Let's go tend the fire.'"

Here in NW PA baby leaves are beginning to appear and open. Baby leaves will always have a special place in my heart. They bring me God's HOPE. 

By His Grace . . .

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Bring Me a Minstrel

 "But now bring me (Elisha) a minstrel. And it came to pass, when the minstrel played,
that the hand of the Lord came upon him."
2 Kings 3:15

The joys of Spring!

Many of us are familiar with David playing the harp for King Saul to bring calm to his soul.  But there is another passage in the Bible that is not as familiar.  

In a recent devotion by Chris Tiegreen, in his book, Hearing His Voice, I read the above Scripture verse. I wasn't familiar with the verse and it brought another insight to the power of music. 

Reading about Elisha and his need for a musician to help bring him calm definitely makes a powerful point in the ability of music to help us.

On, David Guzik provided this commentary on 2 Kings 3:15:

"When Elisha wanted to become more sensitive to the leading and speaking of the Holy Spirit, he asked for the service of a musician. This demonstrates the great spiritual power in music. This he requires, that his mind, which had been disturbed and inflamed with holy anger at the sight of wicked Jehoram, might be composed, and cheered, and united within itself, and that he might be excited to the more fervent prayer to God, and joyfully praising Him; whereby he was prepared to receive the prophetical announcement.

"The way to be filled with the Spirit is to edify ourselves by psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs. This nameless musician was endowed with God-given talents, and he used them for the good of others. Surely it never occurred to him that by his music he would help win a military victory and have a dramatic effect on history. But when he shared his God-given ability, the power of God came upon the prophet."

I confess, I don't listen to music. I enjoy singing and do that every morning and evening. But just listening to music during the day has not happened. I think my mind is busy writing, and I don't want to be sidetracked. Yet, it just might be exactly what I need to continually provide calmness to my soul. 

I did try a few years ago. When I was quilting. I played music and sang to the songs. But it didn't last long. Maybe I should forget about music of favorite artists that I can sing too, and find music that is just music, no words. Background music. 

I'm thankful for devotion books that continually bring ideas into my mind for consideration. It was good to read about Elisha and what he did to help him hear the words of God.

Music is powerful. 
From Patrick Conley Video

By His Grace . . .

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Tested and Approved

"Greet Apelles, whose fidelity to Christ has stood the test."
Romans 16:10 

The above words are all that are said about Apelles. Nothing more is known of him. It is enough his was the ministry of the unnoticed--obscure, unseen, but approved. 

We wish we could do something great for God like leading, singing, teaching, speaking, and an array of other more choice gifts that we don't possess. I was reminded of this when I read the devotion about Apelles recently in Streams in the Desert 2, by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman. These are some of her words:

"You pine for recognition, for publicity, for some great task which will bring great acclaim! Perhaps there is so much to be done around you of little significance that you shun the responsibility thinking one with less ambition will accomplish the mundane. Many little, unimportant responsibilities can add up to be greater than a few "illustrious" deeds. God is as concerned about the little tasks being approved! So here you are in your little plot by the wayside, little known, and hardly noticed by the world at large; yet "the Lord hath commended you a task" and to that work you must bend your best talent and energy."

I don't believe that most of us "pine for recognition, for publicity, for some great task." But I understand her thoughts. I was reminded of a quote that shares similar sentiments by George MacDonald, Scottish author, poet and Christian minister:

"Few are needed to do the out-of-the-way tasks which startle the world, and one may be most useful just doing common place duties and leaving the issue with God. And when it is all over,  and our feet will run no more, and our hands are helpless, and we have scarcely strength to murmur a last prayer, then we shall see that, instead of needing a larger field, we have left untilled many corners of our single acre, and that none of it is fit for your Master's eye were it not for the softening shadow of the cross."

Always a joy to see bright daffodils fill the land with beauty!

Whatever God has given you to do, only you can do it. He hasn't given your work to anyone else. Mrs. Cowman continues: "A life may be very lovely and yet be insignificant in the world's eyes. A beautiful life is one that fulfills its mission in this world, that is what God made it to do . . . But the smallest life that fills its place well is far lovelier in God's sight then the largest and most splendidly gifted -- yet fails its divine mission."

We all wonder about our work for God and if we are doing enough. If what we do is worth it. If we are fulfilling the mission God has given us. If we are faithful in what we believe God has given us to do, then we are doing just what He wants. Do the best we can in all circumstances and trust our work is pleasing to our God.

The beauty of forsythia are a welcome sight on a sunshiny day!

If our ears are open we can hear "Tested and Approved" and those wonderful words: "Well done, good and faithful servant." Afterall, God is the one who knows our work and rewards what we do.

"Give what you have. It may be better than you think."
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

First signs of color to welcome spring.

By His Grace . . . 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

It Really Is!

Have you heard of "National Card and Letter Writing Month?" It really exists! It doesn't get much attention in these days of fast, fast and fast. But it's a worthy cause. One of my favorite subjects!

Please appease me while I promote and reminisce the joy I've experienced writing notes and letters through the years.

National Card and Letter Month is celebrated throughout April. Letter writing has been largely replaced by digital technology with folks sending emails, texts and messages, but for those of us who write letters and enjoy receiving them it is a month to be celebrated!

I've had a number of "pen" friends through the years, and keeping in touch with them through letters and notes is a fun and happy endeavor. It puts such a smile on my face when I see a hand-written note in the mail. You don't just type as fast as you can, with no thought, when you hand write a letter or note. You put yourself into the experience, your thoughts, your dreams, your life. 

Here I am when I got started in note and letter writing. See that ancient
electric typewriter with screen before computers.

The English poet, John Donne, said: "Letters mingle souls." When thinking about notes I like to say, "Notes stir hearts." That's what a note written to me did over 50 years ago. I received a note, and it changed my life.

Notes can move us to tears, spur us to action, provoke us, uplift us, touch us.  As in my case, a note transformed me. Letters and notes are powerful.

After attending a writer's conference, I wrote a note to one of the speakers, Michael Phillips, well-known Christian writer. He had given a book he wrote to each of the participants in his class. I wrote him to thank him for the book and express my feelings on what he wrote.

A month later I received a note from Michael Phillips. He said: "I have a policy that the first letter I receive about any piece of writing I've done, I respond with a personal, handwritten note thanking them. You are the first I've received on this book." He went on to write encouraging words to me that gave me a lift in spirit and inspiration to continue in the direction I was going.

You have to make an effort to sit down and write. Letter writing has been around since the earliest centuries. It is still a wonderful way to communicate. 

When I wrote my book on note writing, my friend, Peggy, drew this little bird for me, carrying a note through the air. I've put it on many envelopes and papers through the years, a special one-of-a-kind delivery to touch the heart of the receiver.

When I spoke about note writing to groups, I'd tell stories of how notes affected people. Here are a few of them:

"My daughter, Melissa, played in the Marshall High School Band. After graduating high school, years later, she read in the newspaper that her high school band director was under fire from a group of parents demanding that the school board dismiss him. (He did nothing wrong.) One day Melissa stopped by Marshall High School to give a word of encouragement to this man. He thanked her and reached into his briefcase and pulled out a letter of encouragement and appreciation Melissa had written to him when she graduated from high school. He had been carrying it in his briefcase for many years. He told her that the letter had helped get him through the problems he was going through."

Professional Carol trying to look professional; in reality, very nervous and uncomfortable!

Another story written for Guideposts magazine in 2001 tells of a woman who's dream it was to be a published writer to uplift others. But that dream was never fulfilled because she never had a chance to write. Life was too busy as a mother to fulfill this dream. The writer continued: "After my mother died, I was going through her belongings and found an 'Acceptance Letter' box. It was heavy and I wondered what my mother kept in it. What I found was indeed 'Acceptance Letters.' There were thank you letters my mother received from people she wrote who were ill; a thank you from a soldier in boot camp who was lonely. My mother encouraged a salesman when he was at his lowest point. And many others. God did fulfill my mother's dream of writing to uplift others. He fulfilled it through notes and letters."

At this conference I was being video recorded.
You can best believe my knees were shaking!

I received a note from a young lady I wrote to in hopes of encouraging her. It said: "I want to thank you for all of the cards and little notes you send. It seems like whenever I need a little encouragement there is a note in the mail. Jesus must know right when I need a little help."

Whoever you choose to write to, friend, family, acquaintances, writing is a form of communication that needs to be revived. Please consider giving a gift of a note or letter to someone this month. You will be richly rewarded just by writing it!

Jerry nicknamed me "NOTE" worthy for God after seeing how many notes I wrote. 
The nicknamed stuck and that's why it's on many of the things I do today.

Note Writing. Letter writing. It really does make a difference. I'm so glad one made a difference in my life!

By His Grace . . .

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

A Successful Life!

 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him,
who have been called according to His purpose."
Romans 8:28

What a treat! The other day I was going through my memory box of special things. That's always a joy. It refreshes memories of old; helps me see when my life changes through the years and gives me inspiration to continue on.

I came across my ten rules to make my life successful. When I say successful, I mean accomplishing what God has given me to do. I wrote these rules probably 30 years ago. They all still apply today as I live my life for God.

I believe it is good to keep in your mind the work God has given you to do. It helps structure each day, week, month and year, and inspires you to do the service you have been gifted to do.

Some points on my list are . . . spend quiet time with God to prepare my heart for the service He has called me to . . . accept my character being sensitive, deep-feeling and emotional so that I can utilize His gift to encourage . . . lead a disciplined, organized life needing rest and quiet . . . doubt not that God knows my fears . . . and only I can accomplish God's purposes for my life.

Finding these rules now, in my 75th year, I can see how they've worked out through the years. Most of the time I've been successful. Occasionally I've needed guidance. Sometimes I've failed miserably. But I have stuck to my rules for the most part and believe I am doing the work God has given me to do.

This is not a pat on the back for me, for I have certainly failed many times through my life. Yet, these rules give me the direction I need to continue each day serving God. 

God changed my focus a number of times, but always keeping the gifts He gave to me. He just changed the way I used them, discovering new ways of serving. We need to always be open to the opportunities He puts before us.

What about you? Have you ever thought about your purpose(s) in life and what you have to do to be successful? I think it's something all of us should consider as we travel through life. We are put here for God's purpose(s), and knowing what that purpose is for you, and doing it, will make the difference between a good or bad life. 

What do you need to do to be successful in living for God? It will be different for each of us. Think about it if you never have. Write up rules for you to be successful. 

"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'"
Matthew 25:21

All of us want to hear God say, "Well done good and faithful servant." All we do is by the grace of God, the strength through Christ, and the direction through the Holy Spirit. "Jesus is showing that those who use what He gives to them to increase what is His will, will also be rewarded with greater opportunity and joy when He returns."

I'm finally seeing some of these happy flowers show up around here. 

By His Grace . . .



"Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." Psalm 119:105 Stephen Darbishire, Louises Favourite Pictures Facebook page ...