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Tuesday, July 25, 2023

I Love You, Lord

"God is so good that He only awaits our desire to overwhelm us with the gift of Himself."
Francois Fenelon, 1651-1715

Mark's garden in Sigel is a delight to visit. I found it last year on one of my early morning fawn spotting drives. I've visited 3 or 4 times since to see all the beautiful flowers. This snap was taken early July. Mark created his garden 30 years ago and continues caring for it daily.

Last week my post was on "Kindness Now." One of the comments I received told me about the song "Goodness of God." I wasn't familiar with it and listened to it on YouTube. I choked up the first time I heard it.

I recorded the first and second verses on my phone and the next morning when I left on my early morning fawn spotting drive, I played it. I can't listen to that song without tears.

What a time of rejoicing I had. I played it for 20 minutes over and over as I drove to where I knew I'd see many fawn. 

So, this post is rejoicing over the words and music to this song. Each line my thoughts went towards my life and how God has brought me through.

"I love you, Lord." What a wonderful way to begin a song. It brings such joy to tell God I love Him. 

"For your mercy never fails me." I did a Shutterfly book on Mercy and Grace last year. Some of my favorite snaps with words from Christian people are included. I know His mercy never fails.

"All my days, I've been held in Your hands." Thinking back over 74 years of life, and 44 years lived with Christ, I can't imagine what my life would have been like without Him. I found Him when I was 28, and it's brought me so much cheer and joy to know He is with me.

"From the moment that I wake up." I'm an early morning person. My first thoughts of Him I say, "Good morning, Father." I think of the first verse of Harriet Beecher Stowe's hymn "Still, Still With Thee."

"Still, still with Thee, when purple morning breaketh,
When the bird waketh, and the shadows flee;
Fairer than morning, lovelier than daylight,
Dawns the sweet consciousness I am with Thee."

"Until I lay my head." With an early morning wake up time, I turn off the light early at night. My favorite place to be is in the writing room, sitting in my favorite chair. My important books are in a case right beside me. It's easy for me to be with God before I sleep.

"Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God." My "Melody of Hymns" brings God close all the time. I can have my own little hymn sing wherever I am. It brings joy to my heart to sing to God. I'm so thankful for words and music. 

This snap was taken the first week of June when peonies were blooming.
Mark plants them throughout the garden with all the other flowers.

When the song gets to the refrain, I get choked up once again. 

"And all my life You have been faithful
And all my life You have been so, so good
With every breath that I am able
Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God."

The second verse starts like this:

"I love Your voice." I have heard God's voice a few times in all my years. I know for certain that He spoke to me. I've tried to be faithful when I have heard Him. I hear Him through His Word also.

"You have led me through the fire." None of us go through life without experiencing great heartbreak. I have had my share of broken years, lost relationships and days, months and years of depression and disappointment. During all those times I knew there was only one person who could help me, and I always called upon the Lord. He walked me through each day, each month, each year.

"In the darkest night." During the darkest night He gave me my gift to serve Him. He brought light to my heart through the simple gesture of an acquaintance who sent me a note to encourage me. That one little note, just a few sentences of caring, changed my life. It gave me a purpose. It took my thoughts off of myself and started me on a journey of encouraging others. We often hear the phrase "He gives songs through the night." He gave me much more, and I am thankful.

"You are close like no other." I have been given many friends in my life, from Elementary School through High School. From working years and retirement years. Since my family was not close, my friends are the ones who helped me through my life. But the One who sticks closer than a brother, is the One who helped me the most.

"I've known you as a Father." My father was an alcoholic. I never experienced happiness and love as a father is meant to give. But when I met Jesus, and became a child of God, He brought me joy unspeakable! I can always depend on Him. He always instructs me. He holds me with His Everlasting Arms.

"I've known You as a friend." I don't have to worry about being rejected, gossiped about or not being understood. Jesus is the BEST friend and BEST thought I can ever have.

"And I have lived in the goodness of God." I have no fear as I wake up each day because I know God is guiding each step I take. He's with me when things go wrong. He's with me when things work out. I have lived in His goodness, and I will continue to live in His goodness. My way is sure. I have no doubts concerning His working in my life. It's not always fun or easy, and sometimes it hurts greatly, but I know He is directing my steps and will bring me safely to His side in His time.

These blooms are from last year about this time. Mark has flowers blooming
all through the growing season. It is a delight!

If you've never heard the song, Goodness of God, click on the link below. The words and music are beautiful.

By His Grace . . .

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