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Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Through Me

 "It was only a sunny smile, but little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night, and made the day worth living."
F. S. Fitzgerald

I recently read these words by Chris Tiegreen: "Before I come for you, I'm going to come through you." It caused me to stop and think.

It's amazing when something is said just a little bit different what an impact it can have on you. Yes, Jesus comes through us to a lost world. We are called to be an example of Him so that others can learn about Him.

I have to ask myself. "What do I do so others can see Jesus?" "What do you do so others can see Jesus?" I know most of us have heard the question: "Is there enough evidence to convict me of being a Christian"

Most of us aren't superheroes, out in front of lots of people. Our names aren't well known, and we have a small area of influence. And that's what matters. Our small area of influence.

It truly is the small things that make such a big impact in another's life. A caring heart. A listening ear. Helping when a meal or telephone call makes all the difference. Mowing a yard. Cleaning a house. Writing a note.

What about our influence outside of our family and friends. Our co-workers. Friendly acquaintances. Our neighbors. Those people who know who we are but aren't in our circle of friends. The small impacts apply to them too. 

Yes, Jesus comes through us as we live for Him. I don't always feel like doing that small thing to help another. Especially if I'm feeling down or worried. But when I toss that feeling aside and think about the other person, it's easier to step out and do something.

We've all heard this before. Many times. But do we do it. Sometimes it just takes hearing something in a little different way to give us a boost. That's what it did for me.

Am I doing? Are you? 

"As a believer, you must learn to see yourself as the representative of Jesus Christ. Although you never stand before a pulpit to preach, it is a fact that your life is your most important pulpit. What you  say and do in your life reflect on the Lord Jesus Christ . . . You see, preaching the Gospel is what you do every day of your life by the way you live and conduct yourself."
Rick Renner

By His Grace . . .

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