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Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Being Still

 "Be still and know that I am God." 
Psalm 46:10

A foggy, early morning sunrise on my way to work back in 2016.

A very familiar Scripture verse is Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God." We hear it often and we read it often. The other morning, I read the following by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman, in her devotion book: Streams in the Desert.

"I heard about a Quaker lady who had to spend half an hour every day sitting quiet and doing nothing calling it her 'still' lesson. I wish we could enjoy such a half-hour daily in God's presence. Our 'still' lesson would be one of the most useful lessons of the day.

When I was a new Christian, the lady I sat next to in the choir loft gave me a copy of this devotion book. It was just what I needed as I learned to live as a Christian and handle all the ups and downs of life. I read it straight through for the first few years of my new Christian experience.

Peaceful Moments for Women Facebook page.

Occasionally I'll pick it up and read a devotion even now, 40 some years later. There are many readings that I've held on to that help me through each day. 

"Silence is a great peacemaker."
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Are you able to sit for 30 minutes in quiet and be with God? We are either watching television, reading a book, listening to music or talking with someone when we sit down. It's very rare for me just to sit there and be quiet.

I sometimes go out to the front porch or back deck and sit quietly for a while enjoying nature. My early morning drives I'm usually singing my Melody of Hymns for a while, but always looking for an animal. 

Other than my devotion time, just sitting thinking about God doesn't happen very often.

I've read some of the great Christian saints of old spent an hour or two in the early morning with God. But, like the Quaker lady above, just sitting focusing on God is rare.

I think of Matthew 6:28 when I see a lovely flower, 
" . . . And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these."

When David wrote this verse it was a time of conflict of war. In the Hebrew "still" means to stop the frantic activity, to let go and put down your weapons. Why? Because God's in control. When we are still, we can remind ourselves that God's got us in His hands.

"In this place the word seems to be used as meaning that there was to be no anxiety; that there was to be a calm, confiding, trustful state of mind in view of the displays of the divine presence and power."
Albert Barnes

Being still, we are to be confident, calm and trustful in all circumstances because of our faithful God. We are to rest in our God who knows everything and is in control of all things.

That appears easier to do than to sit for 30 minutes being still. But, sitting and being still is relaxing and calming. So, whether you're like the Quaker women and practice being still for 30 minutes or focus your energy on being confident and calm in any situation because God is in control, being "still" is a great thing!

"One hour of real communion with God is worth more than a lifetime of everything else."

By His Grace . . . 

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