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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Who Are Your Witnesses?

Last week in Sparkling Gems from the Greek by Rick Renner he taught about us never being alone. The Scripture verse was Hebrews 12:1, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses . . ."

Most of us our familiar with the great Chapter eleven in Hebrews about God's witnesses. Saints of old that believed God and came through their trials successfully. When we wonder if anyone has ever experienced what we are going through, we are inspired by the testimonies of these saints.

After studying the Greek, Renner shared that the verse could be said in this way: "Wherefore, seeing we have lying all around us on every side . . ." or "Wherefore seeing these biblical examples are piled up and lying all around us . . ."

The Old Testament is filled with people going through similar concerns that we go through in life, as well as the New Testament and the examples spoken of there. We are surrounded with powerful examples of people who were challenged in their faith, yet who held fast to the Word of God. 

But they aren't the only witnesses we have. Look around you. Did you have a godly mother and father? If so, you lived with examples of Christian living and faith every day. Did you know people at school during your growing up years that lived godly lives? What about in the workplace?

Have you chosen friends that live godly lives or know of some? When you became a Christian, did you watch those people who live their faith and shared it with others?

If you still feel short of witnesses to help you along there are multiple books of great Christian men and women of old that will encourage and inspire you in your life. Books that are easy to read and easy to understand tell the stories of men and women who faced challenges just like you and me, persevered and made it through.

Witnesses are all around us. Their examples help us when we need encouraging, inspiring and loved. You are not alone in your walk of faith. Just look around. Ask God to direct your mind and thoughts so you can "see" the great cloud of witnesses you have. 

Who are your witnesses?

By His Grace . . .

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