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Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Power Within

 If the Holy Ghost is indwelling a man or woman, no matter how sweet, how beautiful, how Christlike they are; the lasting thought you go away with is--what a wonderful being the Lord Jesus Christ is."
Oswald Chambers, 1874-1917

I've been working on this post for my church newsletter but felt it too important not to share on my blog. It will get in the newsletter, but right now, consider the power within you.

Most of us know and accept the Trinity, the Christian Godhead, as one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We hear it often because it is truth and it is who our God is.

We pray to God. We pray in Jesus’ name. But how often do we pray including the Holy Spirit? It wasn’t until my older years as a Christian that I started including the Holy Spirit in my prayers and reflecting on Him that lives inside me.

Jim Reimann said in "Look Unto Me": “Consider the three persons of the one God:  think of the Father as the ‘Will of God,’ the Son as the ‘Word of God.’ and the Spirit as ‘the Power of God.’ All three persons are involved in each work of God.”

I do my best to remember the Holy Spirit and call on Him often to help me throughout the day. He opens my eyes and mind to Scripture when I read and helps me to understand and gain wisdom from God’s Word. But He does much more than that. 

I love these blue flowers from my sister-in-law's garden. She told me once what they are, but I've misplaced the name. They look beautiful with this beautiful and worshipful hymn.

Here are words from Bible scholars to help us understand all the Holy Spirit does:

 “The Holy Spirit is the One who is poured out upon you like a healing balm—to sooth, to calm, and to comfort. He is the One who renews your strength, revives your spirit, refills your cup, restores your strength, and refreshes your spirit." Roy Lessin

“The Spirit is a teacher, a counselor, a communicator. He doesn’t just share information with you; He guides us into truth—the reality on which we can base our entire lives. When we know His truth—whether we understand it or not—making the right decisions becomes a lot less complicated. And when we don’t know His truth for a specific situation, we can trust that He will lead us into it.

"Any direct experience of God, whether of sensing His presence or hearing His voice, comes through the Spirit. The more we build that relationship, being sensitive to the ways He moves and the thoughts He fills us with, the more we will be able to hear God’s words in any given situation.” Chris Tiegreen, Hearing His Voice,

When it comes to works of grace, none of the persons of the Trinity act independently of the others, for they are as united in their works as in their essence.
Charles Spurgeon

We have power within. Power ready to help us in all we do or say. It’s within calling distance. We just need to ask.

 Breathe on Me
Edwin Hatch, 1835-1889

Verse 3

"Holy Spirit, breathe on me. Fill me with power divine;
Kindle a flame of love and zeal Within this heart of mine."

By His Grace . . . 

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