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Tuesday, January 3, 2023

A Passion for Hymns

Peaceful Moments for Women Facebook Page

Last year, so long ago, I posted about a whisper I heard early one morning. "Bible Study Through Hymns." I've always loved the old hymns but studying the Bible through hymns was new.

I looked online to see if I could find any, and I found a free one on the Living By Design blogsite. I signed up for it and have enjoyed not only the Bible study, but how it was created. I wanted to do that too.

Since November 27th I have created six studies. I renamed them "Hymn Studies with Scripture." With the help of the hymn devotionals I have, and online sources I found, it has been an exciting and passionate adventure. 

I use a hymnal during my morning devotions, reading and singing two hymns each morning. There's over 600 hymns in the hymnal so I can go through it a year. Being able to sing hymns and reading the verses has always thrilled my soul.

I was talking to a close friend recently about this new adventure and she asked me what hymnal I read from. I pulled it out and told her: "The Baptist Hymnal for Home & Family." I was given this hymnal when I worked at the Baptist Convention in Maryland.

One of the men who worked with me had helped write a portion of the hymnal. I asked him for a copy and was given one. One of the things I will always cherish are the words he wrote in the front of the book:

"To Carol, in deep appreciation for your friendship and whose life is truly symphonic, influencing all with its soft moments, many themes that develops into beautiful melodies, varied rhythms to meet the demands of the day. Thank you for your encouragement and constant caring. May the words and music of this hymnal be the source of inspiration for life's journey."

Now that's encouragement! Some people just have a way with words. That's a lot to live up to! Thank you, Dee.

Dee had gone through a serious season of illness, and I encouraged him during that time with my note writing. I don't think he'll ever know how much his words encouraged me.

But back to the hymn studies. A number of you asked whether I would facilitate a study in Zoom sessions. I'm not sure I want to do that. I am considering facilitating a 6- or 8-week study in the Spring and Fall at my church. I think I could handle that.

I may post abbreviated portions of a study monthly on my blog. I know my Maryland friends would not be able to attend studies here. You can message me if you'd be interested in receiving the full study.

This has brought me so much joy. Hymns are filled with gold nuggets through the words of each verse. I think that's when hymns became important to me. Reading the verses opened my eyes and inspired me in my walk with God. There is so much gospel in them! Studying hymns and the story behind them makes the words even more significant.

I have a new passion to begin this new year. A passion for hymns. I'm looking forward to writing more stories behind those wonderful old hymns.

By His Grace . . .

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