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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Who Are Your Witnesses?

Last week in Sparkling Gems from the Greek by Rick Renner he taught about us never being alone. The Scripture verse was Hebrews 12:1, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses . . ."

Most of us our familiar with the great Chapter eleven in Hebrews about God's witnesses. Saints of old that believed God and came through their trials successfully. When we wonder if anyone has ever experienced what we are going through, we are inspired by the testimonies of these saints.

After studying the Greek, Renner shared that the verse could be said in this way: "Wherefore, seeing we have lying all around us on every side . . ." or "Wherefore seeing these biblical examples are piled up and lying all around us . . ."

The Old Testament is filled with people going through similar concerns that we go through in life, as well as the New Testament and the examples spoken of there. We are surrounded with powerful examples of people who were challenged in their faith, yet who held fast to the Word of God. 

But they aren't the only witnesses we have. Look around you. Did you have a godly mother and father? If so, you lived with examples of Christian living and faith every day. Did you know people at school during your growing up years that lived godly lives? What about in the workplace?

Have you chosen friends that live godly lives or know of some? When you became a Christian, did you watch those people who live their faith and shared it with others?

If you still feel short of witnesses to help you along there are multiple books of great Christian men and women of old that will encourage and inspire you in your life. Books that are easy to read and easy to understand tell the stories of men and women who faced challenges just like you and me, persevered and made it through.

Witnesses are all around us. Their examples help us when we need encouraging, inspiring and loved. You are not alone in your walk of faith. Just look around. Ask God to direct your mind and thoughts so you can "see" the great cloud of witnesses you have. 

Who are your witnesses?

By His Grace . . .

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

He Took Care of Me

"God will take care of you
Through every day, o'er all the way
He will take care of you
God will take care of you."
Civilla D. Martin, 1904 

   Unknown artist

Last week God took care of me. I had a commitment that I needed to fulfill, but four days before the event I came down with a cold. My nose stopped up and my throat felt different. What was I going to do?

I have been blessed not to be sick with a cold. flu or virus for many years now. I can't remember the last time I was ill. So, this sickness was unexpected and unwelcomed.

I started praying, asking God to not let this cold, or whatever it was, to grow inside of me, and to help me overcome the feeling of sickness. I started taking Tylenol and putting honey on the back of my throat. I had never put honey on my throat before, and I don't know where that idea came from.

The sickness didn't progress past the stuffed up nose and slight feeling on my throat. As I started my devotion time two days before the event, I picked up my hymnal. I read two hymns each morning, going page by page through the hymnal. When I turned to the hymn for that morning I got choked up. The title was: God Will Take Care of You. And I knew He would. I read the words and thanked Him for this encouragement.

I kept putting honey on the back of my throat. I asked Jerry to buy ice cream. It's always been a "go to" when we are sick. Early afternoon I fixed myself a milkshake and the rest of the day I didn't feel anything on my throat.

Always works!

I slept well Friday night and awoke Saturday being able to breathe through my nose and I felt nothing on my throat. God made it possible for me to keep my commitment. I felt almost 100% well when I left home to fulfill my commitment!

I was tired by the time it was over, and I had a rough night Saturday and didn't feel well Sunday morning, so I'm still taking care of myself. Yet God answered my prayer and made it possible for me to do what I had been asked to do.

God kept me from being fearful or nervous. He gave this introvert calm to be among many people and fulfill the job I was given to do. Maybe the sickness was used to help me not be anxious of doing something new and not feeling qualified. Our God works in mysterious ways.

When my friend asked me to take the pictures at her wedding last October I told her, "I'm an amateur." But she said she wanted me to do it. When we talked about it again, I reminded her that I was an amateur. She said, "I'm an amateur too!" I started laughing.

What an honor to take pictures at someone's wedding. To capture the love and commitment of two people joining their lives as one. Me, who takes pictures to capture God's creation and love. 

I was almost scared to download all the pictures to see what I had to work with. I started crying when I saw the pictures and thanked God for letting most of them turn out fine. A little enhancing here and there, and I think they will be pleased. Not professional or polished; just Carol's photography.

God always takes care of us. Sometimes how we want Him too, and other times what He knows is best for us. We can always count on Him because He's always with us!

So "be not dismayed whate'er betide" God will take care of you! Just ask.

By His Grace . . . 

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Power Within

 If the Holy Ghost is indwelling a man or woman, no matter how sweet, how beautiful, how Christlike they are; the lasting thought you go away with is--what a wonderful being the Lord Jesus Christ is."
Oswald Chambers, 1874-1917

I've been working on this post for my church newsletter but felt it too important not to share on my blog. It will get in the newsletter, but right now, consider the power within you.

Most of us know and accept the Trinity, the Christian Godhead, as one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We hear it often because it is truth and it is who our God is.

We pray to God. We pray in Jesus’ name. But how often do we pray including the Holy Spirit? It wasn’t until my older years as a Christian that I started including the Holy Spirit in my prayers and reflecting on Him that lives inside me.

Jim Reimann said in "Look Unto Me": “Consider the three persons of the one God:  think of the Father as the ‘Will of God,’ the Son as the ‘Word of God.’ and the Spirit as ‘the Power of God.’ All three persons are involved in each work of God.”

I do my best to remember the Holy Spirit and call on Him often to help me throughout the day. He opens my eyes and mind to Scripture when I read and helps me to understand and gain wisdom from God’s Word. But He does much more than that. 

I love these blue flowers from my sister-in-law's garden. She told me once what they are, but I've misplaced the name. They look beautiful with this beautiful and worshipful hymn.

Here are words from Bible scholars to help us understand all the Holy Spirit does:

 “The Holy Spirit is the One who is poured out upon you like a healing balm—to sooth, to calm, and to comfort. He is the One who renews your strength, revives your spirit, refills your cup, restores your strength, and refreshes your spirit." Roy Lessin

“The Spirit is a teacher, a counselor, a communicator. He doesn’t just share information with you; He guides us into truth—the reality on which we can base our entire lives. When we know His truth—whether we understand it or not—making the right decisions becomes a lot less complicated. And when we don’t know His truth for a specific situation, we can trust that He will lead us into it.

"Any direct experience of God, whether of sensing His presence or hearing His voice, comes through the Spirit. The more we build that relationship, being sensitive to the ways He moves and the thoughts He fills us with, the more we will be able to hear God’s words in any given situation.” Chris Tiegreen, Hearing His Voice,

When it comes to works of grace, none of the persons of the Trinity act independently of the others, for they are as united in their works as in their essence.
Charles Spurgeon

We have power within. Power ready to help us in all we do or say. It’s within calling distance. We just need to ask.

 Breathe on Me
Edwin Hatch, 1835-1889

Verse 3

"Holy Spirit, breathe on me. Fill me with power divine;
Kindle a flame of love and zeal Within this heart of mine."

By His Grace . . . 

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

It's the BEST Thing I Can Do!

 "He prayeth best who loveth best."
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1772-1834

Best: of the most excellent, effective, or desirable type or quality.

Recently someone shared news of a prayer concern and said what we all have said at one time: “We can pray. It’s the only thing we can do.”

In that moment these are the words that came into my mind: “It’s the best thing we can do.” I like that. I guess I was getting tired of hearing that prayer is the only thing we can do. Best. Best. Best!

Whether we’ve been praying from the start of a concern, or we’ve come down to realizing there is nothing we can do about the situation, I want to remember that praying is the BEST thing we can do.

Last year I wrote an article on meditation and shared these words: “As the hymn “Be Thou My Vision” says: “Thou my best thought, by day or by night.” Mary E. Byrne, 1880-1931 and Eleanor H. Hull, 1860-1935. God is our best thought, the very best thought our mind can have. God’s love comes through to fill us and help us in our daily walk

God is the BEST anything: praying, thinking, serving, working. He is the BEST period.

I’m making a decision to never again say, “It’s the only thing we can do.” My words will always be, “I’m praying. It’s the BEST thing I can do.”

"The best prayers often has more groans than words."
John Bunyan, 1628-1688

By His Grace . . .

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

A Passion for Hymns

Peaceful Moments for Women Facebook Page

Last year, so long ago, I posted about a whisper I heard early one morning. "Bible Study Through Hymns." I've always loved the old hymns but studying the Bible through hymns was new.

I looked online to see if I could find any, and I found a free one on the Living By Design blogsite. I signed up for it and have enjoyed not only the Bible study, but how it was created. I wanted to do that too.

Since November 27th I have created six studies. I renamed them "Hymn Studies with Scripture." With the help of the hymn devotionals I have, and online sources I found, it has been an exciting and passionate adventure. 

I use a hymnal during my morning devotions, reading and singing two hymns each morning. There's over 600 hymns in the hymnal so I can go through it a year. Being able to sing hymns and reading the verses has always thrilled my soul.

I was talking to a close friend recently about this new adventure and she asked me what hymnal I read from. I pulled it out and told her: "The Baptist Hymnal for Home & Family." I was given this hymnal when I worked at the Baptist Convention in Maryland.

One of the men who worked with me had helped write a portion of the hymnal. I asked him for a copy and was given one. One of the things I will always cherish are the words he wrote in the front of the book:

"To Carol, in deep appreciation for your friendship and whose life is truly symphonic, influencing all with its soft moments, many themes that develops into beautiful melodies, varied rhythms to meet the demands of the day. Thank you for your encouragement and constant caring. May the words and music of this hymnal be the source of inspiration for life's journey."

Now that's encouragement! Some people just have a way with words. That's a lot to live up to! Thank you, Dee.

Dee had gone through a serious season of illness, and I encouraged him during that time with my note writing. I don't think he'll ever know how much his words encouraged me.

But back to the hymn studies. A number of you asked whether I would facilitate a study in Zoom sessions. I'm not sure I want to do that. I am considering facilitating a 6- or 8-week study in the Spring and Fall at my church. I think I could handle that.

I may post abbreviated portions of a study monthly on my blog. I know my Maryland friends would not be able to attend studies here. You can message me if you'd be interested in receiving the full study.

This has brought me so much joy. Hymns are filled with gold nuggets through the words of each verse. I think that's when hymns became important to me. Reading the verses opened my eyes and inspired me in my walk with God. There is so much gospel in them! Studying hymns and the story behind them makes the words even more significant.

I have a new passion to begin this new year. A passion for hymns. I'm looking forward to writing more stories behind those wonderful old hymns.

By His Grace . . .

Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...