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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Your Personal Library

 "Memory is the cabinet of imagination, the treasury of reason, the registry of conscience, and the council chamber of thought."
Saint Basil, c 330-379
Strolling at Clear Creek.
 Memory: the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information.
That's a good definition of the memory that is inside our head. But I like the following definition better:
"Memory is the library and the treasury of the mind . . . Memory is not just the imprint of the past upon us; it is the keeper of what is meaningful for our deepest hopes and fears . . . Engrave God's blessings in your heart, and you'll never grow weary of praising Him." Warren Wiersbe, Prayer, Praise & Promises 
Fawn are growing and spots are fading.
God has given us a tremendous gift of the ability to remember all the things in our life from just a young child to the present day. Our brain is so unique that nothing else can match it, even a computer or the web.

I've remembered so many things through the years that are sitting in my brain to be recalled at a moments notice. Is there anything else so miraculous?

Memory is the treasury of the mind. That's why we should engrave God's blessings in it for they will never disappear.
Okay, how much is the toll?
Yes, there are diseases that cause the brain to lose it's power, but even when that happens God is still there. I'm sure you've heard of a man or women who came to life when they heard a song being played and sang with it, all the words. God's Word never leaves us. 

Genesis 28:15 “ . . .  I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”

“No matter what you may lose in this life, you can never lose your relationship with Me.”
Sarah Young, Jesus Calling, September 10
 Make sure you are putting good into your brain so your memories will help you all through your life. Fill your mind with good things, good words, good ideas, good music, good friendships and good works. You will always have them with you and they will always encourage your heart.

The fields are alive with Golden Rod! I see it most everywhere we drive, and it's a delight to see yellow fields in September.
There's even a small patch in our backyard.
Your own personal library. Be generous with yourself and fill it with good thoughts. They will sustain you all through your life!
God gives us memories that we might have roses in December."
Sir James M. Barrie, 1860-1937

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