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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Being Loved

Love these dahlias from my friend, Kathy's, garden. 
 Charles Spurgeon wrote the following words on being loved by Jesus. His devotion was on the five words John said in his gospel: "the disciple whom Jesus loved." I've heard it said and probably read these words a number of times, yet I enjoyed the perspective Spurgeon shared as he wrote regarding the following Scripture verse:

"One of them, the disciple whom Jesus loved, was reclining next to him." John 13:23
"Five different times in the book of John, the disciple John referred to himself as: 'the disciple whom Jesus loved.' That phrase--does it strike you as just a bit . . . arrogant? Was John claiming that Jesus loved him more than He loved the other disciples? Who exactly did John think he was?
"The answer to that question isn't in who John thought he was; it's in who he knew he was: 'the disciple whom Jesus loved.' Just as Jesus perfectly and completely loved Peter, Andrew, James, John, Martha, Mary, and all the rest, He loved John. Perhaps John's phrase was simply his way of reminding himself that he was wonderfully loved by the Son of God Himself. It was his way of hugging that knowledge to himself, of gratefully and joyfully wrapping himself in the love of Jesus. When John audaciously recorded this fact about himself five times, he showed he wasn't afraid to claim the love of Christ as his own.

"So don't you be either. Don't be afraid to claim His precious love for your own. Wrap yourself in the cloak of Christ's love; hug it tightly to yourself. Lean into its solid, immovable strength. Rest your head and heart in its certainty. You know who you are--the one whom Jesus loves."
Lovely Dahlias from Garden Answer

If you're anything like me you have a hard time reckoning that Jesus could love someone likeyou. When I think of my actions and my thinking it's so easy to believe I'm not loved. That Jesus would love me. That Jesus would die for me if I was the only person on the earth.

I think Spurgeon is right to lean into Christ's solid, immovable strength and rest with the certainty, that yes, Jesus loves even me. Hugging that knowledge and being grateful and joyful because of Christ's love for me.
Lovely Zinnias bouquet from Floret Flower Farm
The women who Jesus loves. I like the sound of that. Maybe I will type that up and tape it to my computer screen. Seeing it each day may have a renewing affect on me to stand tall and share His love with others. Why? Because he loves even me.


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