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Tuesday, September 28, 2021


"How can I repay the LORD for all his goodness."
Psalm 116:12 
I'm so looking forward to fall!
The following hymn came up in my readings recently. I'm not familiar with it and couldn't find it on YouTube or an online hymnal site. But the last line of each verse gave me pause to consider.
"Our life and its sustaining breath, and life that's promised after death, come from God, our heavenly Father.
He gives us freedom from our fears; food, friends, and purpose through the years.
All the words of our Thanksgiving fail to say what we can show by our Thanks-living.
"A life of living thankfulness moves lifeless words to willingness; willingness to serve our Father, 
That service, born of love, demands our hearts, our minds, our strength our hands.
All the words of our Thanksgiving fail to say what we can show by our Thanks-living.
"Our deepest love and highest praise in both routine and festive days sing of You, our heavenly Father.
Yet, while our songs of praise arise, deep in our hearts we realize
All the words of our Thanksgiving fail to say what we can show by our Thanks-living.
Terry W. York, 1949-
1949 was a good year! I know Linda, Roy and Penny agree! Thank you, Terry, for this hymn.
A pretty scene in Gettysburg
"The most important thing in life is to live your life for something more important than your life."
William James, 1842-1910

What is important in your life? Of course, your family. Is there something else that is important? Is it more important than God? Hopefully you said no. What could ever be more important than God? If you live for God first, everything else falls into place. It may not always be easy or fun. You may have difficult and troubling days. But with God your life is covered by His Amazing Hand.

I learned something new about fawn last month. You would think after taking pictures of fawn all these years I would have noticed. But I hadn't. They each have two rows of spots going from their neck down their back. Every one of them. I've never noticed that before.

We give our thanks to God everyday in word and song, but our living is a wonderful way to thank Him. Living is what people see. Living is what encourages others. Living is thanking our God for all He's done.
"The rule that governs my life is this: Anything that dims my vision of Christ, or takes away my taste for Bible study, or cramps my prayer life, or makes Christian work difficult, is wrong for me, and I must, as a Christian, turn away from it."
J. Wilbur Chapman, 1859-1918 

This front porch is getting into the season!
"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace."
Acts 20:24 

Regarding the above verse, the Liberty Bible Commentary said: "The point is that Paul had a clear conscience before God and man, knowing that he had used every occasion and opportunity to witness to those that he had come in contact with in his extensive travels. He was also pure of the blood of all men because he had fully declared unto them all the counsel of God."

I know I fall short of that statement, but it's something I can strive for in my daily living. Thanks-living. Words and songs are important. Daily living is one more way to say "Thank you, God" for your hand upon my life.
Colors of Fall

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