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Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Wonderful May

 "The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land . . ."
Song of Solomon 2:12
May. A wonderful month to look forward too! The Northern side of our country ushers in warm temperatures, blooming trees and flowers, special holidays and remembrance days. We relish its coming after the cold and bitter winter months. 
"Warped indeed must be the soul of the one who has no glad welcome for the magic month of May! What a marvelous transformations a few warm days made! One day Mother Nature appears very unattractive in her shabby winter garb of dull browns and grays. But, behold! the soft southwest wind stirs through her rags; the sun gazes at her with fiery ardor one moment, and the dripping shower refreshes her the next; suddenly she comes before our wondering eyes robed in garments of tenderest green and filling the air with langorous blossom scents. Ever new, ever delightful, is the gracious beauty, the revivifying influence of the early spring. The Giver of all good has indeed placed us in a most beautiful world.!                          Adelaide S. Seaverns, from Thoughts for the Thoughtful, 1893
I didn't decide to "play in dirt? until I retired at age 63. For the next 5 years I created 4 gardens with the help of my sister-in-law, Bobbie, and friend, Kathy. They helped me plan, dig and create, and I loved those gardens. It became a wonderful delight that I experienced.

That's my spring garden in the photos above and below. Since moving to NW PA I don't have the energy to create gardens, and Jerry doesn't either. So every spring I get out my Garden Book and leave it out in the living room through summer. That way I can enjoy the beauty of God's creation and the memories I have of my time "Playing in the dirt."
Here In NW PA I've seen a few blooming tree, but not very many flowers blooming yet. The daffodils in our yard are about 3 weeks behind daffodils blooming around us. Magnolia Jane had many buds waiting to open, but the cold killed them. My pictures will just have to do! 

Mother's Day can be a very happy or very sad day. There are multitudes of mother's and children who have broken hearts. There are multitudes of children who've lost their mother and father, and mothers and fathers who have lost their children. If you are one of the fortunate ones who have been blessed with a wonderful mother (or father), I ask you to consider your friends who suffer great emotional heartache this day (and week before).
If you are one who of those who are heartbroken, try and look around to help someone else. It will refresh you and bring joy to you too as Proverbs 11:25 tells us.

Yes, May is a month of beauty that we look forward to each year. For me, it's leaving home at daybreak and driving through woods and dirt roads in search of fawn. I never tire of taking pictures of fawn, lamb, gosling, poult and calf..

We each have our own special activity that begins in warmer weather. May is a lovely month. Enjoy the beauty!

"All God's great works are silent. They are not done amid rattle of drums and flare of trumpets. Light as it travels makes no noise, utters no sound to the ear. Creation is a silent process; nature rose under the Almighty hand without clang or clamor, or noises that distract and disturb."
Andrew Martin Fairbairn, 1838-1912

It's a wonderful time of the year to sing "This is my Father's World! I especially like the second verse:

This is my Father's world--the birds their carols raise; the morning light,
the lily white, declare their Maker's praise.
This is my Father's world! He shines in all that's fair;
in the rustling grass I hear Him pass--He speaks to me ev'rywhere.


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