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Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Wrinkles of the Soul

It was early morning when I found these geese and gosling crossing the road. I was on my way to work and pulled off the road and took the picture. I was thankful that no other cars came by before they were on the other side. But the rest of my drive to work was filled with a giant smile!
 I love this title and the story where I got it from. It was the March 27th devotion in Streams in the Desert 2 by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman. I must admit I have gained more from the first Streams in the Desert, but every once in a while I'll read something in book 2 that teaches me a gold nugget.

This was another early morning scene as I drove to work. A newborn calf is too good to pass up. A nurse pulled up beside me to ask if I was okay. I told her, 'Yes! I am very okay! A newborn calf!

That's what this story does. Gives you a gold nugget to consider! Aside from  telling you how to get rid of the wrinkles!

"Tradition tells us that one day a hunter found the Apostle John seated on the ground playing with a tame quail. The hunter expressed his surprise that a man so earnest should be spending his time so profitlessly. John looked up and asked, ‘Why is the bow on your shoulder unstrung?’ To this the hunter replied, ‘If kept always taut, it would lose its spring.’ The kindly apostle said with a smile, “For the same reason I play with this bird . . . We must know how to put occupation aside. In an inaction which is meditative, the wrinkles of the soul are smoothed away . . . We are busy folk, and we must learn the blessed secret of resting just where we are.”   Mrs.  Charles E. Cowman, Streams in the Desert 2, March 27th
Rest. Meditation. Relax. Think. What do you do to obtain these life altering moments?
Do you rest? or are you always going, going, going. Do you meditate? or is your mind always on the go. Do you relax? or is your speed always 100 miles and hour. Do you think? or do you just go with the flow and action before you.
Always a joy to see a foal along the side of the road. 
These things come easy for me because I am in the slow group. But I know there are some who instinctly must be busy and always accomplishing something. It's part of their very being. My mother was like that. I never have had the energy she had. I am the contemplated type. I am slower. 
That doesn't mean I don't accomplish things. It just means I need rest to keep going. Wrinkles of the Soul. They can't be straightened out if a time hasn't been set aside to iron out the stress building up inside of you. We need rest. We need meditation. We need a time for our brain to slow down so we don't come apart. 
I was on my way home from work when I spotted this little fellow all by himself in the yard.
Maybe this little story describes you. Have you listened to the birds sing this spring? Did you hear beautiful music penetrate your soul and calm your spirit? Did you smile when you saw the newborn calf lying and spare a moment to watch?? 
Once again, on my way home from work I spotted this little one lying in the field. I'm sure mom was close by just inside the woods. I got to watch it for 5 minutes before it jumped up and ran to the woods. My first photo of a fawn lying down.

Is your bow unstrung? It may be time for those wrinkles in your soul to be smoothed. Fast paced or slow going, we all need rest and meditation. Why not start today. Iron those wrinkles in your soul. Resting is a blessed secret!

"There's something real inspiring about sharing one's heart with the Creator when surrounded by His creation."
Beverly Lewis

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